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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Top Me Off...

Every morning begins with me trying to get out of bed and get started again.  Besides the trip to the bathroom, brushing the teeth & dealing with the cats, there are other things.  I never really thought about these until I was + or older, take your pick.  Hydration is amazing.  Re-wetting drops in my eyes, 20 oz of H2O, some moisturizer for the face & hands, then I start to feel alive.  The water washes away the crap that accumulated up over night.

But taking away isn't all of the equation, you have to put stuff back.  I stack up my meds, get a cup of tea & begin the day.  I can't eat for an hour after meds so food has to wait.  My meds wash out nutrients so I take some supplements;  B complex, a multi-vitamin and others.  I use cinnamon to help with aches and apple cider vinegar to deal acidity.

Then I let my fingers wander the keys and guide me over the web.  I check my email, play sudoku & read the news.  Slowly my brain comes back online.  Then  I start thinking about breakfast and the rest of the day.  The game-plan for the next 16+ hours on my output and input.

During the day we meet a series of drains; work, people, health issues, etc...  We have to take the opportunity to give back to ourselves: eating, socializing, fun & the like. It's way too easy to let yourself become overtaxed and left with too little for yourself.  You can not let that happen.  Everyday you have to replenish your own supplies; food, rest, meds, friends, fun, spiritual pursuits, art or whatever you need.  You can't wait on someone else to do this for you, it's your life and you are important.  If someone else can't get that, then they need to hit the road or have their attitudes seriously adjusted.

Whatever your needs, whatever gets you through the day, you have to take responsibility for making sure you aren't running on empty. Take care of yourself and top yourself off in the mornings.

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