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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Control...Now That's A Laugh...

Most people try to manipulate their environment, to make it as optimum as possible.  The more out of control or unsettling the situation the more we try to get a hold on it, a strangle hold.  That usually flies like a sack of bricks. Life just doesn't work that way.  

This last week, the first week January mind you (in the Northern Hemisphere where it is supposed to be winter), has had two days in the 70's F where it should at most be the upper 40's F.  This may sound great for the heating bill, but also sounds great to the grass, fleas & allergies.  For every give there is a take.

My household came into some $ last month, (roomie's Xmas cash). I thought, great she can get her glasses replaced.  There was a little left over & we decided just to let it ride in the household kitty.  That lasted all of three days before the car decided it needed new tie-rods. Bye, bye $, nice knowing you. I know I'm rambling, but to paraphrase Bear Grylls, "There is a point..."

A hard lesson for a Virgo set in his ways, life isn't about control, it's about learning to roll with the punches.  Developing tactics to deal with all of life's BS & there will be BS, lots of it, every kind possible; familial, economic, weather, you name it, BS. It's about coming to understand that you may be able to cause some subtle effect on your environment by adjusting the thermostat, having an emergency fund or just someone to commiserate with, but you are not in control.  Get used to it.

So make your survival plans, have your emergency kits, keep in touch with friends,  you're going to need them.  I'm not sure who to quote Bette Davis about a bumpy ride or just to go with ELO and say hold on tight to your dreams.  Either way I hope this ride called life has more up's than down's for you & me.

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