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Friday, January 7, 2011

Lost at Walmart

Today was shopping day, as usual the vortex known as Walmart sucks the life, $ & time right out of me.  I left by 9:00 to go there to get a few things, some how I lost over an hour in that pit.  Poseidon should've cursed Ulysses to traverse a Walmart instead of some measly pleasure cruise around the Mediterranean.  The people he met on his journey would've paled in comparison to the weirdness of the people of walmart. 

I should count myself  fortunate to have a grocery store in my town, but I find it difficult to be thankful for Wally World.  That's like asking me to call McDonald's, gourmet dining.  But after an hour of meandering the store looking for items they've either moved or discontinued, trying not to deal with people blocking the aisles because Walmart is the nexus of their social life & trying to escape the screeching madness known as other people's children (Can't they muzzle those things?) you find the escape route.  Then you go home and find that you inevitably forgot something.  Do you go back to that hell or just wait until the next time?  I usually opt to wait.

Shopping shouldn't be hell, nor should it be the center of your social universe, but that's exactly what it can be at the Walmart.  Walmart is the Twilight Zone in the real world.  You can't adjust squat and you have to deal with whatever annoying weirdness and stupidity is hurled your way.  You have to decide which is worse, the howler monkeys that shop there or the baboons that run the place. If you have to go there, my hopes and prayers go with you.  You should probably wrap yourself in plastic, those monkeys like to fling crap.  Happy hunting.

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