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Sunday, January 23, 2011

He's back...

Outside our window is a gathering of bare tree limbs, standing stark against the winter sky.  All is muted, miserable & grey except for one small blip of red.  My roommate & I call him the Schindler's List Bird.  He's a quite a little blaze of color during this time of the year.  Through the year we have many birds that visit; tit-mice, finch, jays, hummingbirds & those horrible mockingbirds, but none are as prominent in the sky as the little cardinal.

Some legends say he used to be a little brown bird that got his color for helping wolf.  Others believe him a sign of renewal or piece.  When I see his scarlet body shoot across the grey sky diving between leaf-bare branches everything feels a little better, a little less dreary.  If the drab sky is some sort of grim canvas, then the redbird is a vigorous exclamation of , " I am here!"

People often look to God(s), the heavens or countless other harbingers for a sign.  Signs are around us all the time, if you just open your eyes.  Mr. Red here is a sign, a portent that things will be better, that spring is near & for now we have his beauty with which to be dazzled.

Get out there & watch him as his as they race through the winter skies.  Be joyful, grateful & maybe think about tossing out some bird feed (Consider it the cover charge for a great show).  Let the little red guys move your heart & who knows what will come out of it.  Maybe something like this...

or this...

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