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Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's The Little Things

In anyone's life it's more the minutia than the gigantic that gets to us.  It's also the things that let our lives go by normally.  It's not the fact the mockingbirds are chirping loud this morning, it's the fact that those hell-birds freaking bleep their evil hearts out every morning.  The humungousaurs that happen in to our lives cause so much shock that by the time the damage and chaos subside, we've pretty much come to terms with the event while we were distracted.  But the little things have no buffer zone on them; like toilet seats left up, tooth paste containers squeezed incorrectly, cabinets that hit you in the shoulder or any other zillions little annoyances in our day to day lives.

These are our lives, the little things, the proverbial grains of sand through the hourglass.  Doesn't mean we're going to like them.  In physics there are four basic forces or interactions: electromagnetic, gravitation, strong & wait for it, weak (ie. little). But not all little things are evil irritations, think of Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music.

In fact, it's the little things that make or lives bearable; the smile from a friend, a door being held open at the store or just a please & thank you.  The little things are hard to appreciate or predict until they aren't there.  These little things add up quick, whether they be good or bad.  Too many jerks on the commute home after a long days work or the fact the cashier at your favorite coffee shop remembered your name, either will alter the way you perceive the day, even if they don't change the outcome at all.

Like I said, the little things can be unpredictable.  Buy your cat a toy and they'll want the box it came in.  Plan out this amazing night with your best girl/beau and it's not the dinner or the show, but the fact that they gave you that certain look that just let you know they were the one.  Parent's plan out these overwhelming Christmases with great dinners, decorations & gifts. In the long run it's the time they shared, the activities or the people their kids remember, not the uber Barbie super duper play house, the newest video game or whatever else is on the must have list that year.

Today, if I'm lucky one of  my little things will be to watch America's Test Kitchen with my friend.  I'll try not to yell so much at the cats laying my way or the frig door that keeps closing when i need it open.  Yeah, good luck with that one.  But I will try to remember that it's the little things that make life worth living.

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