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Monday, January 24, 2011

Average Day

Nothing stood out today.  I almost didn't write.  Maybe days like this are the ones that really do need writing about.  It was just a get things done day; went shopping, did laundry, dishes & the like.  No biggie.  These are the days we should probably celebrate the most, no highs, no lows. 

I could be Oprah & have to find out that I have 50 plus year old half-sister I never knew existed. ( * )  I could be Bret Michaels, (Heaven forbid) & be headed to heart surgery.   Even worse I could be Jack LaLanne or Paul Percerni & just be dead.

Everyday there is weirdness in the news about some idiot(s) doing some idiotic thing or another.  There is always someone out there willing to ruin it for all of us.  They crave attention, they're spoiled or they're just play crazy &/or mean.

On nothing days like this one, maybe we should be happy that it is a nothing day.  That no one is there making our day turn out for the worse.  Maybe sometimes is nothing is better than something.

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