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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Across The Universe

I went out this morning to give the outdoor cats some food.  It had been raining and was beginning to snow.  The white was just covering the ground and the roads were probably fairly slick.  I heard the garbage men coming.  I couldn't help be thankful it wasn't me out there in that cold, slick mess.  Before I walked in I looked into the grey morning & lightly said, "watch over them , keep them safe."  I was talking as much about the cats as the men retrieving the piles of refuse.  If anyone had heard this they'd had thought I was praying.  I suppose I was, just really not to God or not one most people perceive as I do.

I'm not special. GOD doesn't speak to me via visions, signs or even text messages.  I just don't buy the world's consensus on the GOD phenomenon.  Do I believe in a god?  Yes, just not the one from the Abrahamic religions;  like Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

What is God?  Better question, what isn't?   I believe that God is the universe & the universe is God.  I believe that every little thing is divine & natural, because they are the same thing.  I do not believe in the supernatural.  Not because I don't believe in ghosts, magicks or faeries, but because I believe if they exist then they are an aspect of nature we simply have yet to understand.  It is not possible for something to completely unnatural.  It can be processed like Velveeta Cheese or utterly man-made like Retrovir, but it is still natural.  Man can not create anything out of nothing.  All the components came from nature, they may be altered, processed or even unrecognizable, but it is still man-made & man is natural.

So where did God come from.  I don't know, I wasn't there. How is that even relevant?  Perhaps the Big Bang was God's birth.  God may have been there before or not, I don't know & it isn't something I feel the need to spend my time pondering on, there are physicists & spiritualists for those concerns.

If I have to label myself, I guess I'm a Pantheist.  What in the world is a pantheist? (Check out the link).  I believe the natural is indistinguishable from the divine and vice versa.  The little prayer I said  for the cats & garbage men was to the universe.  Be thankful for those things around you.  Remember those things are just as relevant as you are, so show some respect, even reverence. A concept I have trouble with myself.  Say your prayers to whatever.  Whether they're words to the winds, fruits left at crossroads, milk & eggs left for the little folk or whatever.  Just be thankful any of this was here it all, considering this all could just be some cosmic fluke.

I couldn't write this without a link to the Beatles Across The Universe.

Be thankful, be respectful, smell the roses, take the proverbial road less followed... Just freaking live a little bit already & don't be the Man Who Sold The World.

Yes, I know David Bowie did it first, but I like this version better.

1 comment:

  1. hi toires, found my way to your blog via a mutual love of cats and bette davis...interesting stuff indeed, im new to this myself and quite amazed at the deeply personal stuff people write about, i think perhaps i will do the same at some point

    i hope that you are as well as you can be
    Jane x
    ps coincidentally i prefer david bowies version of across the universe...lots of things can change our worlds eh
