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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Click, Click, Click...

This is an awful noise.  It's what started my day.  I've said before Virgos do not like surprises.  This was not supposed to be happening. I had plans & things to do.   This car was being just play rude.  How dare it not start.   I had to get my roommate to comeback & jump the car so I could get it to the mechanic.  Luckily my mechanics (who btw are wonderful, if they had a page I'd post it, if you're from eastern OK you may have heard of them, JNB Tire), replaced the battery.  

The jerks who sold my roommate this vehicle had placed a battery barely large enough to power a vibrator made for a little person in this huge van.  It was tiny, half the size of the one that replaced it.  I hate dealing with cars, it is one of many areas I'm unfamiliar with & often can't find the info I need to get a grasp on the situation.  However, even I could tell that the battery in this van was too small.

There are people in this world I do not like & avoid if at all possible; door-to-door solicitors, door-knocking Bible thumpers & above all else car salesmen.  Car salesmen are the devil's toe jam, they are too slimy to even be considered his feces. I have yet to meet one who wasn't trying to play some sort of shell game on anyone who came to near.  

I lucked out though, my roommate wasn't too far off & all the van needed was a new battery.  It could've been a lot worse.

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