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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Little Things, Take Two...

I started today with a cup of tea & petting a cat.  With no signs of unwanted cat offerings, I smiled.  It is the little things that start the morning off right.  

It's funny that something that some people see as fussy as a cup of tea, or simple as the warmth of a cat's fur or niceness of their not leaving any unwanted deposits (from either end) can make your day start off smother.  Three little things helped my day start off well, so the rest of the day see's me in a better mood.

What are you're little things?  What can point your day one way or another?  Is there anything you can do to influence which way the wind blows on the matter?  That first bit of waking time is important.  It sets the stage.  If you go out into the world in a better personal place, then you'll probably do better that day.  I'm not really into Norman Vincent Peale's thing on the Power of Positive Thinking.  But, not carrying the weight of a pissy morning with you can't hurt how you day goes.

Do as Schultz tells you & celebrate the little things.  The problem here for many people is that it means paying enough attention to figure out what the little things are in your life making it better or worse.  What makes you smile? What makes you cringe?  Figure it out.  Celebrate what causes you to smirk or lightly grin even more than what makes burst out into laughter.  Remember that the things that frustrate you or annoy you should be given as much caution as those things that outright hurt you.

This is a war of attrition, it will not be outright won by any one means or another.  It is a day in, day out maneuver. The little things in your life need recognition & tending like a plant or child or they may wilt away.  The negative things demand vigilant weeding or they may take over that beautifully manicured thing you call your life. Just remember that the biggest tree came from a tiny seed.  

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