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Friday, January 21, 2011

Black Or White...

I'm a pretty avid believer in the shades of grey in almost in any situation.  However, sometimes you either or you're not, it's on or off, right or left or you are are not pregnant.  It seems these are the places where people most like to debate.

POZ  just covered a study by Oregon State University, Monogamy.  "40 percent of heterosexual couples ages 18 to 25 who discussed monogamy, one partner said the couple agreed to be sexually exclusive while the other partner said there was no such agreement."  Either you had an agreement or you didn't or someone is just lying or being delusional about the relationship.  

The study, "Also found that among couples in which both partners agreed to monogamy, nearly 30 percent had sex with at least one partner outside of the relationship."   One out of three people can't commit to a monogamous relationship or just can't grasp the concept.

Monogamy  is not a difficult concept to understand.  So what's going on here; empty promises, assumptions or the end of an archaic concept?  I'm not trying to say you should or should not be monogamous.  I don't really care that much about your sex life.  What I am saying is that with this info out there, it is beyond time to wake up & smell the proverbial coffee.

If you are having sex with ANYONE , then you need to use a condom.  Even Cookie can do it

Don't give me that, but I trust him/her BS.  How is that going to help you when you get your HIV test back & it is +?  There is no such thing as safe sex, only safer.  Your choices are try to play safe or don't be surprised when you get your...

At least red pretty much goes with anything.

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