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Thursday, February 3, 2011

One Month Anniversary...

I should be getting a gift for my blog, after all its be a full month since I stared this experience.  Ha, I have no regard for people who feel so unsure of a relationship that they have to mark every passing moment like there won't be another.  Don't misunderstand me, I am a gift giver. I'm actually pretty good at it.  Gifts should have purpose or be totally whimsical, but they should always have the recipient in mind.  There's really nothing worse than getting a gift from someone who's supposed to be involved in your life that had absolutely no thought put into it.  If you don't want to try & get a good gift, just tell the person that you suck at gift giving & give them a money card.

I digress, this is about the relationship between my blog & me.  So far, so good, I can't complain, not like I'm going to take it out to see a movie or anything, it's a blog. This blog was supposed to be about my life after my eleventh HIV-Day.  I haven't wrote about being + everyday & I have no intention of it.  HIV alters my life enough with having to bow down it to every second of the day, 24/7. 

I tried to look for other similar blogs, so far no luck.  The other HIV blogs I've found have been dedicated to technically medical, legislative, hospice, world scene or political.  I'm pretty sure there are HIV blogs out there just about living, maybe I'll find them.  It might nice to read about someone else's experience being +.  I'm sort of used to having to go solo in this issue though.  There aren't any support groups around my area & it's been difficult looking online.  I'm a very gregarious Virgo, I can talk up a storm with someone, but its not usually very personal unless I really, really have to or I know the person.  Opening up on personal matters such as this just isn't me.

The HIV+ 01032001 blogs heads out into its second month wish us luck.

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