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Thursday, February 24, 2011


America's Next Top Model started last night & the beginning was great.  Bet you wondering why I put Dawn of the Dead with AMNT.

I hate unnecessary build up.  I mean foreplay is one thing, but repeating the same old thing over & over is just boring.  In the 2004 remake of the Zombie flick we just jump right into nastiness that is zombies.  There are not explanations, there are not build ups, rehashings or recappings.  I hate incessant recapping & far too many of my favorite shows do it; Naruto & Income Property are two examples.  These are thirty minute slots, but after you take out the intro, out-take & commercials you're left with about 17 - 18 minutes.  If you take out all the recapping & talking about what will happen on the next episode you might actually be down to 12 - 14 minutes.  Which we means minus all the commercials & fluff you could actually show four of these type programs in an hour instead of two.  Stop, just let the zombies hit the ground running & eating.

Tyra skipped the freak fest that so many reality shows embrace these days like American Idol & So You Think You can Dance.   I can schadenfreude with the best of them, but the pure perversity of the auditions of Idol & SYTYCD are just hellish & cruel.  Get to the point, we know the process now, you don't need to show again.  If someone hasn't watched the show before there are reruns & the show can probably be got off Netflix.  So why don't we just get down to business?

It's like all the superhero films coming out.  Every single one of them has to do an origin piece that takes up most of the first movie.  Iron Man did this & there are countless wikis out there that cover his origin for those few people out there that didn't already know it.   Stop over explaining.  Most of the movie-going, TV-watching audience isn't stupid even though you'd think we were from the drivel we're given to watch.

Everybody knows Superman came from Krypton, Batman's parent got shot, Peter Parker was bitten by a radioactive spider.  These things are now so ingrained in out culture that they are a given.  We know that most of the people who try out for talents shows are delusional, attention-grabbing freaks.  We get it. We comprehend. We dig it.  What else do we have to say just to get you to let the Zombies get down to the business eating brains?

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