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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

D Day

Well the health thing bottomed out today.  Last night was pure hell, with lot's of coughing, turning, aching, fevers, more coughing, shivering, not so much on sleep. This morning I got out of bed.  That makes it sound far more deliberate than it actually was, not to mention far more coordinated.  My entire body ached & my equilibrium was shot.  

My roomie had appointments of her own today but decided it was a good idea that I go to the doctor & I didn't think that I could drive.  So I spent over an hour to be told that I am not dying but do have a nasty upper respiratory infection.  Which led me to have to wait for a script to be filled at Walmart.  The only two good things about Walmart pharmacy are the facts it's located near the door & has seating.  After having a D (doctor) day & going to hellmart, I come home & take the meds.   I fairly much pass out for about an hour & a half.  

It's getting near bed & I decided to write my entry for this day & I've come to some conclusions.

  1. I hate Dr.'s offices
  2. I'm grateful for my roomie driving me about
  3. I hate that Dr.'s overbook appointments
  4. I'm glad I got the meds
  5. I hate the fact antibiotics give me diarrhea
  6. I'm hopeful this crap will pass in a day or two
  7. I'm tired of being tired
  8. I will be ever so grateful for a good night's sleep
  9. I hate the ice cream truck that blared by today
  10. I am thankful things weren't worse
There I bitched & appreciated.  To all of you out there, I hope this finds you in a good place & may you all get a good night's rest.

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