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Saturday, March 5, 2011


When you're +, especially when you're on the meds, you become an expert on digestional discomfort & intestinal distress.  That translates to having gas, diarrhea, bloating, cramps, nausea, dizziness, sour stomach & a whole host of other similar issues Tums & Pepto never even mentioned in their commercials.  This leaves you constantly on the look out for things you can use to settle your stomach, things you can incorporate into your diet to ease the intestinal passage.

High fiber foods do help but have issues of their own.  Watching out for too many fried foods or food too high in sugars will also be beneficial.  But then came the Enemy's spin doctor & her name is Jamie Lee Curtis.

Jamie Lee wouldn't lie to me.  After all she saved us so many times from the evil that was Michael Myers.  But lie to us is exactly what she did.  She laughed all the way to the bank wearing her red devil outfit.

She pushed her snake oil on us & laughed, laughed I say.  What snake oil you ask, well let me show you.

Activia promises you a better digestion in just 14 days, hah. By that time I think I would've been dead.  This product gave me some of the worse stomach problems I've ever had.  I thought I'd gotten some stomach virus or the flu, but that wasn't the case.  I'd eaten it for a while & the effects or pretty immediate.  I ate it midday & by that evening I found myself perched on the toilet wondering what bomb had gone off in my stomach.  

The gas, diarrhea, fever, cramps & other intestinal issues went on for a few days then stopped.  I realized I'd had forgotten to eat the Activia.  Stupid me, I thought I'm not through with the fourteen days, so I ate it again. Within hours the symptoms were back.  A couple of days later I forgot to eat it again & it was well into the next day before I remembered it all.  During this time all my digestive issues had settled down.

I got curious & googled Activia & things like "Activia gave me diarrhea".   I found an interesting site talking about just the same things me & my roomie were experiencing.  About half the people were really loving on the product, but for the other half it was pure hate.  Ever notice that arrow on the container points straight down?  Your intestines twist & turn.  Activia basically turned my digestive track into a straight from point A to Point B pipeline like the arrow shows. 

If you're brave, you can take the Activia challenge, but I wouldn't recommend it.  This has been a dreadful time for me & my digestion.  I will never eat this product again.  The weird thing is that I can eat other yogurt & be fine, just not Activia.  I don't think it's the live cultures or probiotics either.  Several different yogurts have live cultures in them.  I will eat my yogurt from time to time, but Activia, you & your devilish spokeswoman are now the ENEMY.

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