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Monday, March 14, 2011

Sucky Night

Every so often my body feels the need to remind me that I am not the healthiest of people.  Last night was one of those times.  I've going on about allergies lately & the awfulness of those things, but it can escalate & it did.  

Since last Thursday I've been dealing with annoying post nasal drip & allergy issues.  Saturday found me feeling none too well, but I thought all I needed was a good night's sleep.  Then a little thing that I like to call the "Time Change" happened & stole an hour of my precious sleep.  So Sunday, I drudge around like the living dead.  Again I thought if I can get a good night's sleep I'll get through this.

Hah, allergies & post nasal drip conspired with crappy weather & I woke up in the middle of the night vacillating between a shaky feverish blur to a chilly chattering mess with a severe case of the shivers.  Not to be outdone my throat decides it needs to send me into a series of coughing fits.  There goes my good night's sleep.

This morning found me at Walmart doing shopping I really didn't feel up to, but reasoned I might feel worse the next day.  My crappy physical health was assaulted by Walmart's most uninviting atmosphere of blazing white & the annoyance of socially retarded shoppers.  Sorry, if that term isn't PC but it is the most apt descriptor of those people I can use without breaking out into a stream of cuss words & various other unwelcome epithets. 

At least that is done & hopefully I can get to the business of getting past this crappy health spell I'm in at the moment.  I hope you find yourselves doing well & in good health.

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