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Saturday, August 31, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Goodbye August & 57...

HIV+ 01032000: Goodbye August & 57...:   This is the end of August & me being 57.  I'm more upset about the month.  That means were heading into more dark hours in the day...

Friday, August 30, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: It's Ugly But Not Hard...

HIV+ 01032000: It's Ugly But Not Hard...:   There are always so many articles about stigma & HIV.  I gave up reading them.  There has always been & will always be stigma.  No...

Thursday, August 29, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Tapering...

HIV+ 01032000: Tapering...:   August, the temperature, me being 57;  these are all things coming to an end.  It's all winding down.  I hope the weather doesn't ...

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Lasts Of August...

HIV+ 01032000: Lasts Of August...:   We've been in the last of August since Saturday.  This is the last trash day.  We have some errands & that's about it for toda...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Still Not Good...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Not Good...:   I hate this time of year & it's not just because my birthday means I'm getting older.  I don't remember this time not havi...

Monday, August 26, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Not Good...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Good...:   I didn't have a good day yesterday.   A lot of things just didn't go well.  Most of them weren't big, but they piled up.  I&#3...

Sunday, August 25, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Maybe Cooling A BIt...

HIV+ 01032000: Maybe Cooling A BIt...:   If the forecast holds, this upcoming week will be in the mid to upper 90s.  There could be storms late in the week & cool things down ...

Saturday, August 24, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Hopefully Nothing...

HIV+ 01032000: Hopefully Nothing...:   All I want from today is nothing.  August hasn't been easy on me or mine.  We've had a ton of crap to handle, the weather's be...

Friday, August 23, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Winding...

HIV+ 01032000: Winding...:   There's less than 10 days left in my birth year & August.  Neither was enjoyable.  I haven't had a good month since August 202...

Thursday, August 22, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Ugh Morning...

HIV+ 01032000: Ugh Morning...:   I'm learning to detest Thursday mornings.  I'm not sure why everything seems so much louder then.  The trash truck has changed it&...

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Done For A Bit...

HIV+ 01032000: Done For A Bit...:   At least for the moment, I've done what I can with what I had in front of me.  Now I wait for things to come back.  It's trash day...

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Labs Morning....

HIV+ 01032000: Labs Morning....:   Another short post.  I didn't notice much in the articles this morning.   We handled our credit issues as much as we can.  My SSI rene...

Monday, August 19, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Still Needed...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Needed...:   I grew up with the Labor Day Telethon  & poster children .    Some looked at them & thought at least something is being done about...

Sunday, August 18, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: OT Post...

HIV+ 01032000: OT Post...:   Short, OT post this morning.  I'm having to research the best options for credit issues after the massive hack of SSNs that hit the ne...

Saturday, August 17, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Very Dark & wet...

HIV+ 01032000: Very Dark & wet...:   I woke to a very dark room.  It stormed all night & kept waking me.  The weather site shows 3"+.  That'd put us nearly 3 time...

Friday, August 16, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Need Some Down Time...

HIV+ 01032000: Need Some Down Time...:   The last few days were hard.  It's been very hot & it will be again today.  Because of more scheduling blunders, it took an extra ...

Thursday, August 15, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Not Quite...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Quite...:   I thought this would be a nothing day.  It's not working out that way.  The mechanics didn't get started working on the van when t...

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Some Progress...

HIV+ 01032000: Some Progress...:   Yesterday was hotter & we were out in it.  It didn't do wonders for how I felt.  Still, we managed to get some things handled.   T...

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: 2nd Attempt...

HIV+ 01032000: 2nd Attempt...:   The rain's over for a bit & we passed the month's rainfall average.   The heat's returning & will probably be here the...

Monday, August 12, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Still Dark, Rainy, But Also Achy...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Dark, Rainy, But Also Achy...:   We've had a lot of rain & it's still going.  We've passed the monthly average.  It was just a little over 2" for Augu...

Sunday, August 11, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Dark, Rainy Sunday...

HIV+ 01032000: Dark, Rainy Sunday...:   I'm still not sure why Blogger lost my post from yesterday.  It's happened a couple of times since I've been blogging.  I gues...

HIV+ 01032000: Lost Post...

HIV+ 01032000: Lost Post...:   Not sure what happened.  This hasn't happened in quite a while.  Blogger lost the post I did this morning.  OK.  I'll post again t...

Friday, August 9, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Just What...

HIV+ 01032000: Just What...:   I saw 2 articles on HIV suppression yesterday, both are questionable.  Each is over the same subject, here's the 1st & then 2nd ....

Thursday, August 8, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: 2nd August Thursday...

HIV+ 01032000: 2nd August Thursday...:   Another Thursday's here & we don't have much planned.  That's fine, the weather's still a bit hot for much.  Anything ...

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Not As Planned...

HIV+ 01032000: Not As Planned...:   We had a wasted outing yesterday.  It wouldn't have mattered except it was hot & my roomie wasn't feeling well.  We were suppo...

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Telehealth...

HIV+ 01032000: Telehealth...:   Telehealth applications were present long before COVID, but they skyrocketed during it.  Tele-whatever just means something from or over a...

Monday, August 5, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Bust Week...

HIV+ 01032000: Bust Week...:   This is bills week.  There's also regular stuff like shopping & trash.  Past that, we have to take the van in for some repairs.  W...

Sunday, August 4, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: This Is Why Not...

HIV+ 01032000: This Is Why Not...:   By now, most of us have heard of people with various ailments like leukemia & HIV being cured by transplants from someone whose blood ...

Saturday, August 3, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: A Want..

HIV+ 01032000: A Want..:   There are a lot of things I'd like in this world, too bad most of them seem highly unlikely to ever be a reality; like enough resource...

Friday, August 2, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: August Start...

HIV+ 01032000: August Start...:   August came in hot, but the yard is mowed.  If it's hot enough & there's not much rain, maybe the grass will die back for a bi...

Thursday, August 1, 2024

HIV+ 01032000: Hello August...

HIV+ 01032000: Hello August...:   It August 2024 & the count of is on for my next birthday.  The last good month we really had was August 2022.  I'm not expecting m...