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Monday, December 31, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: New Year's Eve...

HIV+ 01032000: New Year's Eve...: The bearded, old man is walking out the door & baby 2019 is crawling up.  There are less than 16 hours left in the year.  Not much...

Sunday, December 30, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Grey Skies Are On Us...

HIV+ 01032000: Grey Skies Are On Us...: All but a 2 days in the 10 day forecast are shown as overcast or cloudy.  Many have rain chances.  I know we need rain, but I need sun...

Saturday, December 29, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: It's Back...

HIV+ 01032000: It's Back...: After a few warmer days, the cold snapped back.  It's just now 29 F here.   The taps were dripping & the stove was burning.  S...

Friday, December 28, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Darkness...

HIV+ 01032000: Darkness...: When we moved here, half the block was empty.   It was dark & a little strange.  Like someplace zombies would attack in movies, de...

Thursday, December 27, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Lotta Rain...

HIV+ 01032000: Lotta Rain...: From dusk yesterday to this morning, we've had between 2.5 - 3"+ of rain.   Flood warnings are out again.  The river was alre...

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Batteries Please...

HIV+ 01032000: Batteries Please...: 2018 has 5 days left in it.  It's spring is winding down & so is mine.  It's been  decent year for me.  Still, I'm tir...

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Happy Holidays....

HIV+ 01032000: Happy Holidays....: I'd love to say Merry Christmas & be on my way.  But, it's happened again.  I noticed this yesterday,  but it took until n...

Monday, December 24, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Twinkling..

HIV+ 01032000: Twinkling..: This doesn't have much to due with HIV, but it's important.  People judge those who decorate for the holidays, especially th...

Sunday, December 23, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Tomorrow & So On...

HIV+ 01032000: Tomorrow & So On...: Tomorrow will start the last week of the year.  It will be my roomie's birthday & Christmas Eve.  Then Christmas, then a few d...

Saturday, December 22, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Bright, Chilly Morning...

HIV+ 01032000: Bright, Chilly Morning...: It was nice to wake up to sunshine pouring in the windows.  It's still chilly, but not bad.  A nice weekend before the holiday.   ...

Friday, December 21, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Winter Yule...

HIV+ 01032000: Winter Yule...: Yule time is here again.  It's now officially Winter.  So long Fall.  Now, the real cold begins.  I hope we don't get too frig...

Thursday, December 20, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & The Military...

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & The Military...: In the past months, I've read articles about cadets at military academies being denied continuation after testing + for HIV.  Acco...

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Next To Last Wednesday...

HIV+ 01032000: Next To Last Wednesday...: By Christmas we'll be counting single days of the week left in the year.   Soon, we'll be in the final 10 days.  2018 has rush...

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Right Stigma...

HIV+ 01032000: Right Stigma...: Some would like to believe, ignorance is the cause of the stigma held by those on the right, against people with HIV.  It may be the c...

Monday, December 17, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Countdown Again...

HIV+ 01032000: Countdown Again...: There are only 14 days left in 2018.  That means a week until Christmas Eve & 2 weeks until New Years.  Then 2018 will be a memory...

Sunday, December 16, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Still Talking About It Sort Of...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Talking About It Sort Of...: Many of the articles I see are over stigma &  HIV.  People make a circus over fighting the dark cloud associated with being +.   Th...

Saturday, December 15, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Sun Peeking...

HIV+ 01032000: Sun Peeking...: The sun is peeking out past the clouds & it's not raining.  That may return mid-week, but for now it's done.   We got over...

Friday, December 14, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Somewhat Drained...

HIV+ 01032000: Somewhat Drained...: It was dismal grey yesterday.   We got about 1.4" of rain.  We need the rain, but is all the gloom necessary?   Today, looks to b...

Thursday, December 13, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Gloomy Rain...

HIV+ 01032000: Gloomy Rain...: I woke up to utter grey this morning.  There's no real light & the sky is seeping instead of actually raining.  It's dam...

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Winter Allergies..

HIV+ 01032000: Winter Allergies..: Not very with it this morning.  Winter allergies are awful.  The temperatures have been up & down.  The heaters have been on a lot...

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Trump, Abortion & HIV Research...

HIV+ 01032000: Trump, Abortion & HIV Research...: President Dickwad Trump sided with the conservative, christian, "pro-life" zealots.  He has shut down funding for any resear...

Monday, December 10, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Errands Morning...

HIV+ 01032000: Errands Morning...: We have a few errands & shopping. We'll be heading out soon.  There wasn't much in the way of articles this morning.   Nei...

Sunday, December 9, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: So Far In December...

HIV+ 01032000: So Far In December...: So far this month has been rather blah.  I started out under the weather.  I'm still not fully recovered 2 weeks out.   I did bett...

Saturday, December 8, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Post Illness Exhaustion...

HIV+ 01032000: Post Illness Exhaustion...: I'm not sure what happened last night, but I crashed early.  I was fine during the day & then about 7 PM, I went down & ne...

Friday, December 7, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Collective Suggestion...

HIV+ 01032000: Collective Suggestion...: Something happened in the articles this morning that I've seen before.  There's a shared topic area with little development.  ...

Thursday, December 6, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Gloomy Morning...

HIV+ 01032000: Gloomy Morning...: It is astonishingly grey this morning.  The sky looks like a wet blanket.  Not at all comforting.   Everything is still dim, even with...

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Heater Dilemma...

HIV+ 01032000: Heater Dilemma...: During the Winter. I face an issue, heaters.  Do I use them or not?  This isn't just a cost thing.   If I don't turn them on, ...

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Let The Censorship Begin...

HIV+ 01032000: Let The Censorship Begin...: Tumblr has announced by December 17th, they will ban all adult content.  They want rid of porn & are blaming kiddie porn as the ca...

Monday, December 3, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Month Beginning...

HIV+ 01032000: Month Beginning...: Not much of a post this morning.    We have to get bill paying started.   That means a couple of extra runs before shopping.   I need ...

Sunday, December 2, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Forgot...

HIV+ 01032000: Forgot...: Dealing with the post-storm issues yesterday morning caused me to forget we'd entered a new month.  Hello December, please be an e...

Saturday, December 1, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Storm F'ery...

HIV+ 01032000: Storm F'ery...: Barely here post.  There was a big storm last night.  It damaged part of an old, storage barn.  I spent an hour hammering it back toge...