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Friday, November 30, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: November Ending & On The Mend...

HIV+ 01032000: November Ending & On The Mend...: My health isn't back to normal, but it's better.  I'm still achy & chilly. My stomach is still very opinionated, bette...

Thursday, November 29, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Remainders...

HIV+ 01032000: Remainders...: I seem to be getting past the worst of the sickness.  Now, it's on to all those aches & pains hiding underneath.  The smaller ...

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Getting There...

HIV+ 01032000: Getting There...: There's been a lot of talk about escalating rates of HIV transmission in Eastern Europe & Russia.  That isn't very surpris...

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Still Not Well...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Not Well...: I managed not to vomit yesterday, but I stayed queasy.  There was a near, non-stop eruption of gas all day long.  My gastrointestinal ...

Monday, November 26, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Still Off...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Off...: The worst of this sickness may be over.  I made it through the night just being queasy & feverish.  But, I didn't vomit.  I&#3...

Sunday, November 25, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Article Slump...

HIV+ 01032000: Article Slump...: Not surprising, but articles have waned over the holiday.  People are probably focused on the holiday or shopping.   Hopefully, they&#...

HIV+ 01032000: Sick...

HIV+ 01032000: Sick...: Last night was horrible.  I was up all night with diarrhea & vomiting.  It didn't stop until around 5:30 AM.  I'm exhauste...

Friday, November 23, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Sucky Holiday...

HIV+ 01032000: Sucky Holiday...: Yesterday didn't go well.  My roomie was ill.  I didn't cook anything until late afternoon.  If I hadn't taken things down...

Thursday, November 22, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Thanksgiving USA...

HIV+ 01032000: Thanksgiving USA...: We're doing Thanksgiving by ourselves this year.  My roomie's normal plans have been altered by forces beyond her control.  Ma...

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Short Angsty Post...

HIV+ 01032000: Short Angsty Post...: I'm still not sure if my meds will get here today.  That'll be a wait & see game.  I wasted yesterday on the phone tryin...

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Pharma Screw Up Maybe...

HIV+ 01032000: Pharma Screw Up Maybe...: I woke to an automated call from my pharmacy.  It told me, I was out of prescriptions.  My med bottle said I wasn't.  I called &am...

Monday, November 19, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Not With It...

HIV+ 01032000: Not With It...: The holidays are here & rapidly piling down on us all.  I'm not feeling any of the antipathy I used for them.  But, there'...

Sunday, November 18, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Squawks Of Blue...

HIV+ 01032000: Squawks Of Blue...: I woke to hopping, blue squawks this morning.   Jays were bopping about singing the "song" of their people.  Blue Jays don&#...

Saturday, November 17, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Self-Worth...

HIV+ 01032000: Self-Worth...: Quite often, I hear people expressing concerns over having their sense of self-worth diminished by others.   Some act like, if the ent...

Friday, November 16, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Mid November...

HIV+ 01032000: Mid November...: It's the middle of the 11th month.  Today is day 319 of the year, there are only 46 days left in 2018.   It's all winding down...

Thursday, November 15, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Cold Night...

HIV+ 01032000: Cold Night...: Last night was our coldest so far.  I could live with that being as cold as it gets.  We were in the lower 20's F.  I don't ne...

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: New Med....

HIV+ 01032000: New Med....: This article  is about a medication under development by ViiV called,  Fostemsavir . ViiV is a mostly Gilead  owned company, but at l...

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Not Wellish...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Wellish...: I've not been feeling great this week.  Not sure if it's the change from  a fairly warm house to the cold, wet environ with he...

Monday, November 12, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Not Always Good News...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Always Good News...: Over the past few years, there's been talk of an anti-HIV vaginal gel.  According to this article , it seemed to work well in tria...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Always Good News...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Always Good News...: Over the past few years, there's been talk of an anti-HIV vaginal gel.  According to this article , it seemed to work well in tria...

Sunday, November 11, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: A Little Hurried...

HIV+ 01032000: A Little Hurried...: We have some plans today & I'm trying to get my midday stuff handled.  I almost forgot to post.  Not that it'll be much of...

Saturday, November 10, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Cell Detection...

HIV+ 01032000: Cell Detection...: Bear with me if some typos get by me this morning.  It's the 1st morning of sub-freezing temps & the house is cold.   My finge...

Friday, November 9, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Heater On Standby....

HIV+ 01032000: Heater On Standby....: Tested the heaters again.  We'll need them tonight.  Our 1st freeze is nearly here.  A few times, before  Thursday, we could be lo...

Thursday, November 8, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Here Comes the Cold...

HIV+ 01032000: Here Comes the Cold...: Normally, we can last until the holidays to turn on the heater.  That won't be the case this year.  From Friday til mid next week,...

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Issues With Articles...

HIV+ 01032000: Issues With Articles...: When I'm looking for articles, I run into several problems.  The most common, is I simply can't locate any new pieces.   But t...

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Articles For Today...

HIV+ 01032000: Articles For Today...: Today is mid-term election day, go vote.  I did during early voting.  Now, it's a wait & see game. I found a couple articl...

Monday, November 5, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Bumps...

HIV+ 01032000: Bumps...: “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy ride,” is a quote the Gay community loves to throw about.  It's a slight misquote...

Sunday, November 4, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Timefall..

HIV+ 01032000: Timefall..: It happened, time changed.  The blanket ends swapped.   Nothing changes except the light levels.  I'm typing this at was an hour l...

Saturday, November 3, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Saturday Before...

HIV+ 01032000: Saturday Before...: My roomie's happy, Daylight Saving Time is over.   Tonight the clocks fall back an hour.  It'll mean brighter mornings.  But c...

Friday, November 2, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Busy Start...

HIV+ 01032000: Busy Start...: The beginning of the month rush is back.  We're off to go vote & then shop.  Tomorrow we have to run to the bank & start b...

Thursday, November 1, 2018

HIV+ 01032000: Goodbye, Hello...

HIV+ 01032000: Goodbye, Hello...: Goodbye October, I don't know how you flew by so quickly or why you were so wet.  We passed our rain averages.   There were a co...