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Monday, December 31, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Off To The Dentist & Happy New Year...

HIV+ 01032000: Off To The Dentist & Happy New Year...: I'm going to the dentist today to get the 2nd part of a crown replacement.  That leaves me with just 2 more old tin-can types to get rid o...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Who Knows...

HIV+ 01032000: Who Knows...: It's been hard finding articles on things I want to go over lately.  Most of them have covered topics I've already go over in abundance or...

Saturday, December 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Still Weird...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Weird...: It's another day in the house without Alice.  I've lost cats before & know that I'll get used to it, but that sort of pisses me off at mys...

Friday, December 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Good Journey My Alice...

HIV+ 01032000: Good Journey My Alice...: Yesterday, midway past 5 in the afternoon, my cat Alice was finally at peace with the world.    We took her back to the vet.  He to...

Thursday, December 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Waiting For the Vet...

HIV+ 01032000: Waiting For the Vet...: We took Alice to the Vet yesterday & she got poked & prodded.  She was given a shot for an infection & another for her fever.  The vet dre...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Sick Kitty...

HIV+ 01032000: Sick Kitty...: This is Alice & she isn't doing all that well.  Today she's getting an unwanted trip to the vet.  It should be interesting since we...

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: It's Christmas...

HIV+ 01032000: It's Christmas...: I hope everyone's holiday season is going well.  I'm not going to be posting much this time.  The weather is turning a bit nasty.  We coul...

Monday, December 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: It's Christmas Eve...

HIV+ 01032000: It's Christmas Eve...: The season is full swing.  I'm feeling better than I did yesterday.  I'm still worn out though.  I'm glad I don't have to go anywhere.   ...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Not Well...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Well...: I'm not sure what hit me last night, but it wasn't pleasant.  My stomach turned against me & I wound up being ill in the middle of the nig...

Saturday, December 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Solstice Time Is Here...

HIV+ 01032000: Solstice Time Is Here...: Solstice is here.  This will be the longest night of the year.   The sun rose around 7:20 & will fall about 5:10.  Great night if y...

Friday, December 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Changing Of The Kings...

HIV+ 01032000: Changing Of The Kings...: Tomorrow is the Solstice & the Winter holiday season is right underway.  Whatever ritual you celebrate, I hope it is wondrous time for...

Thursday, December 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Down Time...

HIV+ 01032000: Down Time...: This last week went a awry & there was lots to deal with.  Today's, being fairly quiet for me, but my roomie is down with something that r...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Up In Smoke...

HIV+ 01032000: Up In Smoke...: This article  talks about the effects smoking has on someone HIV +.  It shouldn't come as a surprise that smoking has an negative affect o...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Usurped...

HIV+ 01032000: Usurped...: Today's post is being usurped.   My day has been charted for 1 thing & that thing is Hobbits.  We are going to see the movie today.  It's ...

Monday, December 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: To The Point...

HIV+ 01032000: To The Point...: After yesterday's post, I thought it a good choice to go with this article .  Titled HIV: Know The Facts , is a short piece on the qualiti...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: UK +...

HIV+ 01032000: UK +...: This article  is about a group British women coming to terms with being + when they didn't even consider themselves at risk.  It's an inte...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Modifications....

HIV+ 01032000: Modifications....: OK, my head's a little out of it today.  We're supposed to hit 70 F today & my body feels like a wreck with all this up & down weather cra...

Friday, December 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Things Change, But Not Memories...

HIV+ 01032000: Things Change, But Not Memories...: This article  is a must read.  It isn't "medical", but it's relevant.  It's about an older sister trying to adjust to the fact her younger...

Thursday, December 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Odd Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Odd Day...: Our schedule is a little off this week.  I'm having my typical fight with the internet.  We have a few oddity things to do today.  Nothing...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Late Start & Stuff To Do...

HIV+ 01032000: Late Start & Stuff To Do...: It was cold & dark well past 7, so I retreated under my covers & barely woke up at 8.   I've wrote before about Wednesdays being my busy d...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Closing In On 13...

HIV+ 01032000: Closing In On 13...: There are just 20 days left until New Years.  Just 3 days past that I'll face my 13th HIV-Day.  It's sort of like a birthday, but not  Alm...

Monday, December 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another Monday...

HIV+ 01032000: Another Monday...: Another week begins & it has all the trappings of a Monday.  My morning wasn't that fun.  Some of my programs have been in perpetual updat...

Sunday, December 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Wrap Up...

HIV+ 01032000: Wrap Up...: The 1st full week of December is behind us & it's been a weird month.  It's been way too warm & I've been incredibly busy.  Neither of whi...

Saturday, December 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Duh!!!

HIV+ 01032000: Duh!!!: I was looking through articles today & kept coming across ones talking about how the stigma of HIV remains prevalent.   Duh!  There were a...

Friday, December 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Early Morning Issues...

HIV+ 01032000: Early Morning Issues...: I'm back to the morning light issue again.  This morning sunrise wan't until 7:14 AM.  I prefer it when it's sometime before 7.  That give...

Thursday, December 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Toothy...

HIV+ 01032000: Toothy...: A little off today.  Just got back from going to the dentist.  I'm in the process of getting  a crown replaced.  My mouth is a bit sore, b...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Dr.'s Appointment....

HIV+ 01032000: Dr.'s Appointment....: Had my quarterly meeting with my primary care physician this morning.   Everything was on track & we made the next appointment for March. ...

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Month's Beginning...

HIV+ 01032000: Month's Beginning...: This morning was a little rushed.  We had to get around & run some errands, mostly bill paying.  We'll finish paying the household bills f...

Monday, December 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Recognition...

HIV+ 01032000: Recognition...: It's the 3rd of December & I've failed to acknowledge a few things.  Let's start with November.  So long until next year, you were a prett...

Sunday, December 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Weird Damn Weather...

HIV+ 01032000: Weird Damn Weather...: Last week I had to leave the water dripping over night so the pipes wouldn't freeze.  Yesterday, it was almost 80 F here.  The wind was ho...

Saturday, December 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: World AIDS Day...

HIV+ 01032000: World AIDS Day...: Today is World AIDS Day, you can find out more about it here .  Since 1988, December 1st have been denoted as World AIDS Day.  A time ...

Friday, November 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Annoying AM...

HIV+ 01032000: Annoying AM...: Went to bed last night just wanting to get a good night's sleep.   What I got was a lot of neighbor noise for a while. Then about 5:30 the...

Thursday, November 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Continued Modifications...

HIV+ 01032000: Continued Modifications...: Both my roomie & I are exercising.  Her perhaps more regularly than me these last weeks.  The thing we're both noticing during this endeav...

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Young Americans...

HIV+ 01032000: Young Americans...: No, not the song, according to this article , some Americans are just not getting about HIV & their transmission rates are rising.  These ...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Testing For Reasons....

HIV+ 01032000: Testing For Reasons....: Even though the CDC suggested routine HIV testing since 2006, the idea didn't really fly until now.  According to this article  there are ...

Monday, November 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: A Non-Manic Monday...

HIV+ 01032000: A Non-Manic Monday...: Today's been good so far.  Since I opted to shop later in the week, I didn't need to go the store this morning. That was nice.  I slept we...

Sunday, November 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Just Another Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Just Another Day...: Not much going on today.  I've been dealing with sinus issues for a bit.  I should've taken ibuprofen thi morning but for some reason I di...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Postponed Shopping Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Postponed Shopping Day...: I normally go shopping on Fridays so I can avoid crowds & children.   However, yesterday was Black Friday, so I opted to go today.  It was...

Friday, November 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Day After...

HIV+ 01032000: The Day After...: Thanksgiving has come & gone.  Today there are a lot of people busy with Black Friday.  Some are shopping.   Some are working.  Others are...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another One...

HIV+ 01032000: Another One...: This article  is taking the push for screening even further than the last 1.  The U.S. Preventative Task Force is moving for HIV testing t...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Pre T-Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Pre T-Day...: Tomorrow is Thanksgiving (US). There is a fair amount to cook, but not too much.  I'll get some done today,  so my roomie can take it tomo...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Get Tested...

HIV+ 01032000: Get Tested...: This article  & many others online today are discussing the push for people 15 - 65 to get tested for HIV at least once.  This would make ...

Monday, November 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: + Navy...

HIV+ 01032000: + Navy...: This article  discusses how a new policy in the Navy & US Marines will allow HIV + corps members to serve on foreign soil & on some s...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Frustration & Grogginess...

HIV+ 01032000: Frustration & Grogginess...: Suddenlink struck again last night & it's still  not behaving well.  As if my internet ever behaves well.  It went out a little after 8 la...

Saturday, November 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Undesired Change...

HIV+ 01032000: Undesired Change...: My roomie is dealing with a change in her routine.  An online service she frequents has announced it will be closing it's virtual doors.  ...

Friday, November 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Shifting Seasonal Concerns...

HIV+ 01032000: Shifting Seasonal Concerns...: We're getting into the cooler part of the year.  Fall's nice warm days are growing brisk.  I haven't been taking my allergy meds for a whi...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Short Post...

HIV+ 01032000: Short Post...: OK, another short post, but this 1 is Suddenlink's fault again.  We're having crappy connection issues yet again.  They made an appointment...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Wednesdays Back...

HIV+ 01032000: Wednesdays Back...: I've already said Wednesdays can be especially busy for me.  There's things I need to catch with on TV, online, household stuff, bath, exe...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Busy Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Busy Day...: 'Today was the 1st serious cold snap day for us.  It's been chilly, but there hadn't been ice in the outdoor cat water bowl until today.  ...

Monday, November 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: So Much For That Storm...

HIV+ 01032000: So Much For That Storm...: I kept it brief yesterday because we were supposed to have some huge storms.  Other people in my area might have, but all we got was a fai...

Sunday, November 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Sky Grumbling...

HIV+ 01032000: Sky Grumbling...: I'm not sure how well my net will stay connected today.  It looks like we may be in for quite a storm here.  It's the 1st of the season.  ...

Saturday, November 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Born That Way...

HIV+ 01032000: Born That Way...: This article  isn't about a GaGa song.  It's about kids born with HIV.  It states 20% of those children born with HIV are unaware of their...

Friday, November 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: 50, Straight & +...

HIV+ 01032000: 50, Straight & +...: This British article  states for the 1st time in the history of HIV, that heterosexuals are the leading population being diagnosed +.    ...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Silver Bullet...

HIV+ 01032000: Silver Bullet...: This  article  talks about a new approach to condoms.  It may not be a bullet, but it is silver.  They are talking about adding silver...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Evolved...

HIV+ 01032000: Evolved...: This article  talks about HIV in India & how that particular strain is evolving.   These sites talk about about strains & subtypes. ( 1 , ...

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Almost Done...

HIV+ 01032000: Almost Done...: There aren't many articles today, except those dealing with the election (USA).  I'm avoiding that topic for a bit.  Quite frankly, I'm si...

Monday, November 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Another Day...: It's within reach, tomorrow is election day in the USA.  The major hyping will be over.   There will still be plenty of hoopla about the m...

Sunday, November 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: It Arrived...

HIV+ 01032000: It Arrived...: The 1st morning of no Daylight Saving Time crap was today & it was wonderful.  It was the 1st time in quite a while I woke up feeling rest...

Saturday, November 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Tonight's The Night...

HIV+ 01032000: Tonight's The Night...: I know I've been going on about this, but tonight is the night the clocks fall back an hour.  I'm not so much interested in the hour, itse...

Friday, November 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Month of Thanks...

HIV+ 01032000: The Month of Thanks...: Thanksgiving (USA) is coming up soon.  It's one of the few independently made-up holidays I don't mind.  I think a lot of people, includin...

Thursday, November 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Criminalization...

HIV+ 01032000: Criminalization...: This article  is about a Canadian man found guilty of attempted murder for knowingly exposing his partners to HIV without their knowledge....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Halloween...

HIV+ 01032000: Halloween...: It's Halloween & the end of October.  October was a pretty good month this year.  I'm going to be a little busy today, so not much of...

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Baton Rogue...

HIV+ 01032000: Baton Rogue...: According to this article , Baton Rogue had the HIV highest transmission rates, not the most cases, but still.   New Orleans placed at 5th...

Monday, October 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: New Test...

HIV+ 01032000: New Test...: This article talks about a new test using nanotechnology that can provide better diagnosis of not just HIV, but some cancers such as pros...

Sunday, October 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Someone Else's Story...

HIV+ 01032000: Someone Else's Story...: I'm not really blogging today, just relating.  This  article  on a family's journey with HIV is powerful & poignant. Through all my exper...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: 8 More Days...

HIV+ 01032000: 8 More Days...: Just over a week from now, I'll be done with Day Light Saving Time.   I hate it.  It screws up my light.  I'm not a morning person, but wi...

Friday, October 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: As Planned, No...

HIV+ 01032000: As Planned, No...: The adage, "Nothing ever goes as plans," holds true in my life.  My roomie & I are trying to lose weight & I  noted some time back weight ...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Good Trip...

HIV+ 01032000: Good Trip...: We had to go run some errands today.  I don't mind doing errands, but I get anxious about going all the way to Fort Smith, AR just to pick...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Permission....

HIV+ 01032000: Permission....: I've talked about my decision to alter my schedule so it doesn't leave me running all day.  Somehow, Wednesday mornings always wind up bei...

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Measles....

HIV+ 01032000: Measles....: This article  addresses something I'd never even heard of before.  Children born to HIV + women, even thought they may not be + themselves...

Monday, October 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Deeper Sleep...

HIV+ 01032000: Deeper Sleep...: It was warmer yesterday & we had to open the windows & turn on some fans.  The light lull of my fan & the cooler temps made me sleep much ...

Sunday, October 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Stress...

HIV+ 01032000: Stress...: Halloween is just 10 days away.  That leaves only 64 days til Christmas.  I'm not promoting the holidays here, I'm making a point of the s...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: EMR...

HIV+ 01032000: EMR...: I've talked about EMR's (Electronic Medical Records) before.  There are some worries these records could be hacked.  Then there is the fac...

Friday, October 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: A Little Busy Today...

HIV+ 01032000: A Little Busy Today...: We had to take the van in to have the fuel filter replaced.  We didn't need to spend the $, but it was better than having the car really s...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Think Fast...

HIV+ 01032000: Think Fast...: Even though they can save lives, some HIV meds can also negatively affect a person's cognitive ability as they age.   This article  talks ...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: DC Senior Talk...

HIV+ 01032000: DC Senior Talk...: I've blogged about the greying of the HIV before.  Many believe by 2015, over half the HIV + population will be 50 or older.   This articl...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Left Alone...

HIV+ 01032000: Left Alone...: Recently there have been reports of HIV transmission rates in Australia increasing.  Like many countries  they've been fighting the virus...

Monday, October 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Not So Good...

HIV+ 01032000: Not So Good...: I'm still not feeling that great.  I have a sinus issue going on & it isn't pleasant.  I woke up feeling dehydrated & groggy.  I tried to ...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Rough Night...

HIV+ 01032000: Rough Night...: I took my roomie to a party last night & went to see the movie Looper .  That initial part went alright.  The movie was OK.  Then the ride...

Saturday, October 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Transplants...

HIV+ 01032000: Transplants...: For the past few days there have been articles posting about + people now more readily receiving organ transplants.  There was never any a...

Friday, October 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Countries Saying Enough...

HIV+ 01032000: Countries Saying Enough...: Indonesia  has joined the ranks of nations across the globe that have said that pharmaceutical patents are keeping the cost of meds so hig...

Thursday, October 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another Thursday...

HIV+ 01032000: Another Thursday...: Today is trash day & I'm always a bit happy knowing that stuff is out of the house.  Today is also rather odd, because its numerical date ...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Losing Sunlight...

HIV+ 01032000: Losing Sunlight...: For some people losing sunlight can be problematic.  It can be an issue with seasonal mood disorder & a host of other Vitamin D deficient ...

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Living On The Fringe...

HIV+ 01032000: Living On The Fringe...: This article  that came out today goes over something I've covered before in this blog.   This piece talks about  how people who are farth...

Monday, October 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Product Placement...

HIV+ 01032000: Product Placement...: Articles were scarce today, so I looked at what Google had to offer from the last 24 hours.  I got titles like: HIV Basic Informatio...

Sunday, October 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Yard Work...

HIV+ 01032000: Yard Work...: Not much going on today other than some yard work.  Which is mostly done.  I think it's actually done, but the moment I say that, somethin...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Disease Free...

HIV+ 01032000: Disease Free...: A lot of hookup sites have people who pitch themselves as disease-free.  According to this article , they may have to start proving it.  A...

Friday, October 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Yesterday's Goof...

HIV+ 01032000: Yesterday's Goof...: Yesterday I blogged about my 1st yard work of the season.  It didn't go well.  I had shaky arms for an hour afterwards.  The goof here was...

Thursday, October 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Shaky Arms...

HIV+ 01032000: Shaky Arms...: Did my 1st bit of yard work of the Fall.  Not much, thankfully the rechargeable battery on the weed eater doesn't last long.  I know that ...

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Consent...

HIV+ 01032000: Consent...: In the USA, for the most part you have to give your consent to be tested for HIV.  There are a host of reasons why from privacy & to being...

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: September Exercise Woes...

HIV+ 01032000: September Exercise Woes...: It seems I'm still paying dues for exercise I did last month.  1st, I got sidetracked by a foot issue.  Which led to me overcompensating &...

Monday, October 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Cya September...

HIV+ 01032000: Cya September...: The door's closed on September 2012 & October is here.  It wasn't a bad month, a bit warmer than I would've liked, but other than tha...

Sunday, September 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Co-Invasion..

HIV+ 01032000: Co-Invasion..: No, that isn't an alien creature or some mechanized terror from the Matrix.  It's salmonella.   According to this article , it's a ne...

Saturday, September 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Multifaceted Care...

HIV+ 01032000: Multifaceted Care...: This article  brings up the point of multifaceted care in regards to treating HIV.  It amazes me that this is being treated like something...

Friday, September 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: FauxNet...

HIV+ 01032000: FauxNet...: Fauxnet should be Suddenlink's name.  My internet has been dropping all day & I doubt it'll be on long.  I guess a better post will have t...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Short Post, Again...

HIV+ 01032000: Short Post, Again...: It's been pleasant enough so far this fall, even if some of the days have been too warm & the allergens too high.  TV shoes are coming bac...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Awareness Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Awareness Day...: This article  reminds us tomorrow is National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in the USA.  The point of the day is for remembrance & ...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Sticky...

HIV+ 01032000: Sticky...: It's supposed to be Fall already.  Someone needs to tell the weather that.   It's in the 90's F, humid & allergy hell.  I know it could be...

Monday, September 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: For several years we've heard of churches praying ...

HIV+ 01032000: For several years we've heard of churches praying ...: For several years we've heard of churches praying away HIV.   This is BS!!!  This article  talks about this ongoing religious hokum that's...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Not Much...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Much...: Shifted the shopping day to today, instead of tomorrow.  One of our box fans is dying a slow, squeaky death.  Another victim of the summer...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: It's Here....

HIV+ 01032000: It's Here....: Now this depends on the part of the world you're in.  Today is either the equinox for Fall or Spring.   Here in the north we are heading t...

Friday, September 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another Case of Discrimination...

HIV+ 01032000: Another Case of Discrimination...: This post will be short.  This article  just goes to show HIV stigma & discrimination are very much alive in the USA.  The woman who wasn'...

Thursday, September 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Marital Blood Tests...

HIV+ 01032000: Marital Blood Tests...: Signs like these used to be common.  I'm from Miami, OK originally & they used to call  my hometown "Little Reno".  The county courth...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Noise(s)...

HIV+ 01032000: Noise(s)...: I'm setting in my room with almost every fan in the house turned off.  It's nice not to have that constant roar & whooshing.  What isn't s...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Slept Well...

HIV+ 01032000: Slept Well...: Last night was slightly stormy  & the dew point dropped out of the 70's F into the low 60's.   It was a little chilly, but just perfect fo...

Monday, September 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Just Wet...

HIV+ 01032000: Just Wet...: It's been drizzling here for days, nothing much just a constant drip.  If you took the past several days rain totals, they may add to an i...

Sunday, September 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Just 6 More Days...

HIV+ 01032000: Just 6 More Days...: There is less than a week left of the season & Summer 2012 will be over.    Fall is on it's way.  We've been cooling down quite a bit...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Mutation...

HIV+ 01032000: Mutation...: Mutation has long been the BFF of many viruses, especially HIV.  These mutations have allowed viral culprits to plague mankind.   Eve...

Friday, September 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Ripples...

HIV+ 01032000: Ripples...: For those of you who might wonder what impact you have on the world around you, I've got a point to make.  Not to get all,  It's A Wo...

Thursday, September 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Getting Back...

HIV+ 01032000: Getting Back...: Today was the 1st day since Sunday I managed to do my exercise due to a hurt foot.  I had no idea my body had gotten so stiff in those few...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Dwelling Isn't Healing...

HIV+ 01032000: Dwelling Isn't Healing...: Yesterday was "the day" in the USA (9/11).  I said last year that I wouldn't talk about it & I'm sticking to it.  I believe to heal from s...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: ANSAR Test..

HIV+ 01032000: ANSAR Test..: Woke up awfully early to get to the doctor's office for my ANSAR.   It's some kind of autonomic nervous system monitoring device.   I've n...

Monday, September 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Ouch...

HIV+ 01032000: Ouch...: The exercise routine is once again being suspended at least somewhat for a while.  My foot has been acting up & I've been trying to go eas...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Chilly Night...

HIV+ 01032000: Chilly Night...: Last night was another chilly night.  The days are still warm, but summer is fading.   Just 13 days until the beginning of Fall & we can l...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Aspirin Therapy...

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Aspirin Therapy...: This article  talks about how few people who are + are taking part in a low dose aspirin regimen.  It's used to promote cardiovascula...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: $$$...

HIV+ 01032000: $$$...: Money, money, money Must be funny In a rich man's world... Abba This article  & many others on the web are finally really...

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Back From The Docs...

HIV+ 01032000: Back From The Docs...: I had an office visit with my primary care physician today & he's happy with the way my blood pressure is going.  I have to go see him a f...

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Discrimination....

HIV+ 01032000: Discrimination....: I've talked a lot about discrimination & I see people online (mostly HIV- & straight) talk about the stigma isn't as bad as it used to be....

Monday, September 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: It's Back...

HIV+ 01032000: It's Back...: We had been experiencing rather pleasant weather for the last half of August.  That's gone & the heart is back.  I am not a fan of th...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Connected...

HIV+ 01032000: Connected...: I mentioned yesterday it was my birthday & a lot of Facebook people wished me a happy one. What I didn't mention is that besides my roomma...

Saturday, September 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: It's Here Again...

HIV+ 01032000: It's Here Again...: It's September 1st & that makes it my birthday.  Woo-hoo.  I'm not an age oriented person, never really have been.  Still, I'm not fond of...

Friday, August 31, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Shoe Drops...

HIV+ 01032000: The Shoe Drops...: This article  talks about the reaction to Gilead's announced price point on the new 1-A-Day HIV med.  Wait for it, Da da DA!!!  Strib...

Thursday, August 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Monsters...

HIV+ 01032000: Monsters...: You can read about it just about anywhere.  Google it & you'll find a ton articles on people for whatever reason have purposely infected o...

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Fingers Crossed...

HIV+ 01032000: Fingers Crossed...: OK, it's Wednesday, which somehow has become hell-day for me over the past several weeks.  I'm almost afraid to write about it, I don'...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Morality...

HIV+ 01032000: Morality...: I've got no problems with ethics, they're a necessary part of any profession, especially in the medical field.  What I've a proble...

Monday, August 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Goals...

HIV+ 01032000: Goals...: I was never very good with goals.  Yes, I made it through a Ph.D. & I got my work in on time.  That's not the same as having goals.  ...

Sunday, August 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Onward...

HIV+ 01032000: Onward...: With the temperature dropping, my exercise routine is coming more in line with what it was in early July.   It's taking a while ...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Much Better Day...

HIV+ 01032000: Much Better Day...: So far, so good today.  The weather is nice & everything seems to be sailing along just fine.  It may seem like I talk about how good/...

Friday, August 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Time To Tie A Knot & Swing...

HIV+ 01032000: Time To Tie A Knot & Swing...: The last few days have not been the best in my life.  Have you ever heard the phrase, "I'm at the end of my rope & you're tugging on ...

Thursday, August 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Food Security...

HIV+ 01032000: Food Security...: I've seen a lot of articles lately about HIV & food security, or the lack of it.  This article deals with the effects of food insecu...

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000:

HIV+ 01032000: Short post today.  I'm too irritated to do much of anything due to my SNAFU internet company, Suddenlink.   They jacked around with my ser...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Lyme & Not the Citrus Kind...

HIV+ 01032000: Lyme & Not the Citrus Kind...: "Lyme Disease is now more common than HIV."    For those of you who don't know,  Lyme is a disease caused by parasites transmitted v...

Monday, August 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Learning From Mistakes...

HIV+ 01032000: Learning From Mistakes...: This article  talks about a woman who is now trying to educate others to avoid the mistakes she made that led to her becoming +.   She had...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Routine...

HIV+ 01032000: Routine...: The U.S. Preventative Task Force , a national agency concerning public health, is expected to push for HIV testing to become as routine as...

Saturday, August 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Stigma Project...

HIV+ 01032000: The Stigma Project...: I recently came across this page on Facebook, The Stigma Project .  As the name would imply, they are striving to undo the stigma ass...

Friday, August 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Less Scattered...

HIV+ 01032000: Less Scattered...: This might not be a great post, but I'm more focused today.  Yesterday, our cable/internet company starting dicking with us again.   Sudde...

Thursday, August 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Something To Deal With...

HIV+ 01032000: Something To Deal With...: Things are colliding today & I need to think about them for a bit.  It always sucks when $ issues invade your train of thought.   I'm a li...

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Appointment Done...Check...

HIV+ 01032000: Appointment Done...Check...: I had my telemedicine appointment today.  Everything went pretty much as expected.  I had 2 things confirmed today. 1st, I am affected...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Telemedicine Tomorrow...

HIV+ 01032000: Telemedicine Tomorrow...: Tomorrow's my next specialist appointment with the telemedicine bus.  I've got my lab results & just have to get a few other things togeth...

Monday, August 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: A Day Of Errands...

HIV+ 01032000: A Day Of Errands...: About forgot to post today.  This was a day of errand running & they actually turned out productive.  Most of our errand days end up being...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Also Starring...

HIV+ 01032000: Also Starring...: Recently I talked about a hassle with my pharmacy.  They screwed up my order, repeatedly.  Even though I had enough meds on hand, this was...

Saturday, August 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Weird Weather...

HIV+ 01032000: Weird Weather...: Not that I'm complaining, but August is the month of brown grass & blazing thermometers.   But my yard is needing mowed & the high for tod...

Friday, August 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: So Far, Pretty Good...

HIV+ 01032000: So Far, Pretty Good...: Today's been a pretty good day.  I needed one.  The weather has cooled & the house isn't sweltering.  There's been no commotion of worker...

Thursday, August 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: OMG...WTF...REALLY....

HIV+ 01032000: OMG...WTF...REALLY....: Well, can you imagine after 15 days, my meds finally arrived.  I guess that's the OMG part.  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy they got here. ...

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Nothing Much, Just Waiting...

HIV+ 01032000: Nothing Much, Just Waiting...: Most of the errands have been ran & the trash has been taken to the curb.  Exercise is done & the shower's been taken.  Other than cooking...

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Complications...

HIV+ 01032000: Complications...: As I've said before, I live in a small town.  There are half a dozen pharmacies nearby.  The problem here is that none of them carry my HI...

Monday, August 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: If Not This, Than What...

HIV+ 01032000: If Not This, Than What...: I get the sentiment behind this idiom, but I don't entirely agree with it.  I get the idea of looking for other things to be your goal ...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Concessions...

HIV+ 01032000: Concessions...: I'm having to make a lot of adjustments in my life right now due to the heat.  It's not nearly as hot as last year when it was reaching 11...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Cutlery & Other Measures...

HIV+ 01032000: Cutlery & Other Measures...: Yesterday, my roomie sent me a link to an essay entitled, The Spoon Theory .  This was written by Christine Miserandino who suffers from L...

Friday, August 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: OMG.. Head Bonk Moment...

HIV+ 01032000: OMG.. Head Bonk Moment...: It's like those V-8 commercials when the person bonks their head.  I bought my roomie some Greek yogurt today & was not pleased by the pri...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Momentary Reprieve...

HIV+ 01032000: Momentary Reprieve...: We're supposed get pretty hot today, so I was surprised when it was my normal noonish, exercise time that we were still under 95 F.  It di...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Here & There... This & That...

HIV+ 01032000: Here & There... This & That...: Short post.  Too much going on today.  Had several errands in the hellish heat via the car whose air conditioner is about to give up the g...

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Reality Fallout...

HIV+ 01032000: Reality Fallout...: For a while now I've been addressing some developing issues regarding HIV; At-Home Testing, Anti-Aids Pills & an AIDS-Free Generat...

Monday, July 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Generics Are The Way...

HIV+ 01032000: Generics Are The Way...: According to this article , generics could save a lot of $ in the treatment of HIV patients.  Not to be rude, but Duh!  Snark aside, the p...

Sunday, July 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another Hot One...

HIV+ 01032000: Another Hot One...: We're already at 99F & it's just after Noon.  The forecast calls for 108.  Unfortunately, humidity is hanging on as well.  This increase i...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Facing HIV...

HIV+ 01032000: Facing HIV...: I've been reading a lot about overcoming HIV in the last week.  A lot of people talk about treating everyone & an AIDS-Free generation.  B...

Friday, July 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: + & Gray...

HIV+ 01032000: + & Gray...: Check out this site & article .  Both of these talk about the fact that by 2015 over 50% of people living with HIV will be over 50.  ...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: On A Hot Summer Night...

HIV+ 01032000: On A Hot Summer Night...: Last night was the 1st really hot night this summer & I didn't see any wolves with red roses.  All I saw was heat stressed cats strewn acr...

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Further Alterations In Exercise...

HIV+ 01032000: Further Alterations In Exercise...: The first part of July was so pleasant.  Now, not so much.  I had been exercising for 10 minutes in the morning, around noon & then the la...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Lab Chase...

HIV+ 01032000: Lab Chase...: I got labs drawn today.  Normally, this isn't a big deal, but today there were things going on to make it a bit more challenging.  This ti...

Monday, July 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Now, Not Later...

HIV+ 01032000: Now, Not Later...: This article  & many others on the web are prescribing immediate treatment of HIV.  This is contrary to older protocols that had doct...

Sunday, July 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: An Aids Free Generation... Really...

HIV+ 01032000: An Aids Free Generation... Really...: I've been reading articles & seeing news blips that push for an AIDS-Free generation.  Nice thought, but is it even possible?  There are m...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Should It Be Mandatory...

HIV+ 01032000: Should It Be Mandatory...: Someone I chat with asked me if I thought HIV testing should be mandatory.  She added the qualifier of those people residing in the USA.  ...

Friday, July 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: 108...

HIV+ 01032000: 108...: OK, I'm a little blitzed today.  The temperature never really came down last night & the house was closed up due to a chance of rain that ...

Thursday, July 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Response...

HIV+ 01032000: Response...: This article  over at HuffPost examines the social situation surrounding HIV from the 1980's forward.  Even though there have been many ch...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Crapped Out Internet Provider Strikes Again...

HIV+ 01032000: Crapped Out Internet Provider Strikes Again...: Very short, don't know how long it will be before Suddenstink disconnects me again.  We've been blipping in & out all day.  Every time I c...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Odd Morning...

HIV+ 01032000: Odd Morning...: The weather is on a warming trend.  I was happy where we were, but knew it wouldn't last.  It amazes me how much weather changes how I fee...

Monday, July 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: A Little Off Today...

HIV+ 01032000: A Little Off Today...: A little out of it today.  Today is a designated shopping day & this one was less than pleasant.  Going to Walmart can always turn into a ...

Sunday, July 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Concerns Acknowledged...

HIV+ 01032000: Concerns Acknowledged...: Recently I've been stating my concerns about the anti-aids pill (Truvada) & the at home quick HIV test.   Over the last few days I've been...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: A Talent For Causing Things Pain...

HIV+ 01032000: A Talent For Causing Things Pain...: This article  talks about a dentist (of course), that has potentially exposed thousands of his patients to HIV, hepatitis & other i...

Friday, July 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Depression...

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Depression...: These articles, 1 & 2 , both talk about HIV & depression.  The number of people with HIV who also suffer from depression is staggeri...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: 2nd Week Of July Almost Gone...

HIV+ 01032000: 2nd Week Of July Almost Gone...: The tail end of June & the beginning of July were hot, not hella-hot like last year, but hot.  The last week was nice.  We've had some rai...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Don't Think So...

HIV+ 01032000: Don't Think So...: For years the approach to HIV prevention was education, promotion of condom use & screening.  Recently, I've been noticing a tread in arti...

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: OT A Little...

HIV+ 01032000: OT A Little...: I'm a little off topic on this one & perhaps a bit callous.  But to hell with it, I've  already  started.   This article  talks about ...

HIV+ 01032000: At Home Test... Again...

HIV+ 01032000: At Home Test... Again...: Another article  questions the sensitivity of the at home test, OraQuick.  Apparently their own (OraSure) research is a bit cloudy on...

Sunday, July 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Reason Quo...

HIV+ 01032000: Reason Quo...: Finding myself without any articles I wish to explore & finding myself in a bit a debate yesterday has led to today's post.  A weight lift...

Saturday, July 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: OMG...stairs...

HIV+ 01032000: OMG...stairs...: As I said yesterday, I modified my exercise routine to include stairs to counter the temporary withdrawal of walking.  I calculated how mu...

Friday, July 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Exercise Alterations Again...

HIV+ 01032000: Exercise Alterations Again...: Everywhere in the news they're talking about record highs being broken.  I saw an article citing that over 20,000 record highs have b...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Party's Over...

HIV+ 01032000: Party's Over...: It's the 5th & the celebration & fireworks are mostly a done deal.  For some people that's sad, for others its a relief.  The animals...

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Done Deal...

HIV+ 01032000: Done Deal...: I've mentioned this before, the completely at home HIV self-test.  There have been others that require the samples to be sent into ...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Inclusion...

HIV+ 01032000: Inclusion...: Alameda County has broadened its medicaid program to cover low income,  + people before their HIV shifts in AIDS.  This will allow t...

Monday, July 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Transplant...

HIV+ 01032000: Transplant...: This article  discusses attempts to remove a 1988 ban on HIV + people from donating organs to other +  people.  The article presents s...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Careful...

HIV+ 01032000: Careful...: Be careful what you ask for.  Earlier this week, I griped about being in the pink (in reference to the temperature map that has anything o...

Saturday, June 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Say What...

HIV+ 01032000: Say What...: OK, no pic today & please go read this article before I get started.  How many ways can I say this is stupid?  It wouldn't matter, becaus...

Friday, June 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Think Pink...

HIV+ 01032000: Think Pink...: No, not that... Or that, try again... OMG,  it started in June.  We have been in the pink for over a week.  Here we g...

Thursday, June 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Memo...

HIV+ 01032000: Memo...: Just a short one.  Most the articles are rehash.  There a few things to note. Yesterday was National HIV Testing Day, hope yo...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: National HIV Testing Day...

HIV+ 01032000: National HIV Testing Day...: This article  & many others around the web & other media sources are telling you 1 thing.  It's National HIV Testing Day.  So get to i...

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Taking A Walk...

HIV+ 01032000: Taking A Walk...: Summer heat has altered the way I sleep & I've found myself stiff in the morning.  I decided to add walking to my exercise routine.  I...

Monday, June 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Normal...

HIV+ 01032000: Normal...: This article  discusses an attempt by Walgreens, Greater Than Aids & Erase Doubt to normalize HIV testing.  They want to make screeni...

Sunday, June 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Impact...

HIV+ 01032000: Impact...: There isn't going to be a lot of discussion on this article  today.  It's an important article, albeit much of what it has to say, ...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Free For All...

HIV+ 01032000: Free For All...: The Vatican  has called for an end to the HIV era.  They seek to eliminate the illness & the devastation it has wrought.   They feel ...

Friday, June 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Ridiculous...

HIV+ 01032000: Ridiculous...: This article  brings up an old question, "Are you clean?"    "You sir, are you clean?" "Why, yes, I just took a shower." Yeah, I...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Blindsided...

HIV+ 01032000: Blindsided...: I'm taking on 2 articles today, A & B .  These articles are about the same issue even though one's in the South & the other's in D.C...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: It's Here...

HIV+ 01032000: It's Here...: The 1st day of Summer is here & the world of articles is a bit light today.  There are some things around the bend, but for now, we'll tal...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Irregularities...

HIV+ 01032000: Irregularities...: The past couple of weeks have been filled with unwanted changes.  Changes to our schedule, the weather, noise levels outside, etc...  Our ...

Monday, June 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: What Specialist?...

HIV+ 01032000: What Specialist?...: This article  may give you some idea of what I have to deal with in my area for HIV care.   This list details the number of HIV specialist...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Summer...

HIV+ 01032000: Summer...: I know Summer doesn't officially start for a few more days, but it's here & we'll have to deal with it for the next few months.    I'...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Bloggus Interuptus...

HIV+ 01032000: Bloggus Interuptus...: Again Suddenlink screws my internet .  I'll probably get another comment from Ashely from Suddenlink telling me to email her about the pro...

Friday, June 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Discrimination...

HIV+ 01032000: Discrimination...: This article  is about a  man in litigation with a southern California school over his termination due to being HIV +.  A lot of peop...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Alterations...

HIV+ 01032000: Alterations...: On a personal note, I'm at a point with my exercise that I feel more comfortable accepting changes in my routine from time to time.  Ther...

HIV+ 01032000: Exercise Issues...

HIV+ 01032000: Exercise Issues...: June was the start of my 5th month of exercise.  I'm near 30 minutes a day.  I'm happy with that.  Changes are becoming more apparent.  My...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: 2Fer...

HIV+ 01032000: 2Fer...: Yesterday's post was a bust, so here goes a slight version of 2.  These two articles, 1 & 2 ,  are new approaches in the San Francisc...

Monday, June 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Blog Interrupted...

HIV+ 01032000: Blog Interrupted...: There will be no formal blog post today due to Suddenlink's inability to stay connected.  They are sending tech's out today, for the 3rd t...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Natural Born Killers...

HIV+ 01032000: Natural Born Killers...: No pic today & I'm not talking about the Woody Harrelson movie.  This article  talks about a specific quality in the T cells of certain pe...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Not Much...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Much...: Not much going on in the world of articles today, or my world for that matter.   They announced a couple of interesting things in the news...

Friday, June 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Finally, Friday...

HIV+ 01032000: Finally, Friday...: This week has been hectic & weird.  Lots of little things poking their heads up & lots of errands & to-do's.  Luckily, I think we've g...

Thursday, June 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Unchecked & In Danger...

HIV+ 01032000: Unchecked & In Danger...: OK, this article is scary.  There is plenty of info out about people with HIV & cardiovascular disease.  Now, this one comes along & ...

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Not Forgotten Or Gone...

HIV+ 01032000: Not Forgotten Or Gone...: This article in the The U.S. News & World Report , discusses how gonorrhea has gone from a disease that used to be handled with a simple ...

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Get Tested...

HIV+ 01032000: Get Tested...: There is no excuse not to get tested.  End of argument.  I know it can be scary.  Still, it's better to know & be able to start tryin...

Monday, June 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Next Da Da Da...

HIV+ 01032000: The Next Da Da Da...: Lately there's been a lot of talk about the next HIV.  What?!  There is only HIV.  Anything else, is something else.  I get what the...

Sunday, June 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Let The God Crazies Raise Up..

HIV+ 01032000: Let The God Crazies Raise Up..: I'm putting a link to two places, 1 & 2  , both discussing how a + man was denied his meds by a self-righteous doctor in a New Jersey hos...

Saturday, June 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Still Not Right...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Not Right...: Over the last month or so there has been an uproar in New Zealand over a preschool boy's parents being asked by his school to remove him b...

Friday, June 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Taking Stock...

HIV+ 01032000: Taking Stock...: The 1st real month of Summer is here.  Summer doen't start until later in the month, but it's here.  Today's great we're in the 70's F.  T...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: They Call Them Cracks...

HIV+ 01032000: They Call Them Cracks...: I call them sinkholes.  This article  discusses something I've mentioned before.  The farther you are away from the "norm" or sociall...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Dirty White Fan...

HIV+ 01032000: Dirty White Fan...: The beat goes on & the fans keep whirling until they look like this.  The pic above isn't one of ours, just the same type.   House ho...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Deepsouth...

HIV+ 01032000: Deepsouth...: This trailer is for a movie depicting HIV in the Southern USA.  It's due out in July of 2012.  The trailer is a reminder of how th...

Monday, May 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Adjusting...

HIV+ 01032000: Adjusting...: I just posted about the warming trend in the weather.   This morning was the 1st time I really took note of it though.  The days have been...

Sunday, May 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Weekend...

HIV+ 01032000: The Weekend...: It's Memorial Day Weekend & everyone from Cartoon Network to Military Supporters are telling us how to spend our time.   To hell with that...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Friday, May 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Weather's A Changing...

HIV+ 01032000: The Weather's A Changing...: Summer isn't quite here, but the weather is warming up.  We've hit the 90's F the past few days & it's bringing on the Oklahoma humidi...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Psych...

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Psych...: No pic today, but the article is interesting.  The article states that for many people diagnosed with HIV today, one of the most importan...

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another One Of Those Days...

HIV+ 01032000: Another One Of Those Days...: There are days that just aren't worth talking about & this is one of them.  It's the SOSO & it's just too irritating to focus on at the mo...

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Penny Wise, Pound Foolish...

HIV+ 01032000: Penny Wise, Pound Foolish...: This article  deftly uses the saying in the pic above.  It's about someone who will pinch every penny & take the cheapest route only ...

Monday, May 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Underrepresentation...

HIV+ 01032000: Underrepresentation...: The pic of above may not have anything to do with HIV, but it makes a very relevant point in HIV research.  While true the majority of...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Frustrated...

HIV+ 01032000: Frustrated...: I'm not talking about articles.  I'm talking about something most people don't tell + people when they're diagnosed.   HIV not o...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Yesterday...

HIV+ 01032000: Yesterday...: I am not a fan of yesterday.   I allowed myself to think the series of breakages would be confined to April. HAH!  Yesterday was stressful...

Friday, May 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Still Debating...

HIV+ 01032000: Still Debating...: I'm still wondering what direction I want to go with this blog.  The articles today were a little lacking.  The one that stood out the mos...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Day After...

HIV+ 01032000: Day After...: It's the day after that little mile stone & I'm left wondering if I should make any changes to my approach.  I'm not sure what's goin...

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: 500...

HIV+ 01032000: 500...: No articles or discussions of apps today.  Today is my 500th post.  I'm shocked I stayed with something this long.  I'm very happy I h...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Apps...

HIV+ 01032000: Apps...: I didn't find any articles I wanted to discuss today.  So, I took a different rout & was surprised.  I looked at apps concerning HIV....

Monday, May 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Prevention Pill...

HIV+ 01032000: Prevention Pill...: It looks like Truvada will be available as a preventative . The FDA is moving for it to be accepted & this will allow the med to be s...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Generic...

HIV+ 01032000: Generic...: This article discusses how Lupin, an India based company, is ready to release a generic form of Combivir in the  USA.  Once the FDA ...

Saturday, May 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: More Of The Same...

HIV+ 01032000: More Of The Same...: When it rains, it pours.  At least this article over discrimination has a better ending.  This document covers 2 separate incidents ...

Friday, May 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Running Slow & Late...

HIV+ 01032000: Running Slow & Late...: I have a morning routine & I usually get up between 7:40 & 8:00 in the morning.  Until recently I've just been getting up & feeding th...

Thursday, May 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Nothing New...

HIV+ 01032000: Nothing New...: Not much going on the world of HIV related articles that I haven't already covered a lot lately.  There's still talk about a preventative ...

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Brief...

HIV+ 01032000: Brief...: I've got stuff to do this afternoon that might run long so this will be brief.  Over the past several days I've had links to & discussed s...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Discrimination...

HIV+ 01032000: Discrimination...: I talked about this a little bit yesterday, but today's leading articles took me right back into it.  Prejudice, discrimination & sti...

Monday, May 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Not You...

HIV+ 01032000: Not You...: This article  talks about discrimination involving a person's HIV status & an academic scholarship.  This piece may be about Namibia ...

Sunday, May 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Mice Schemes...

HIV+ 01032000: Mice Schemes...: My plans went awry alright.  Even now as a + person for over a decade, I sometimes still have trouble making plans as such.  I still see i...

Saturday, May 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: $ Cuts...

HIV+ 01032000: $ Cuts...: Alabama  is looking at doing a major health cut back.  30% in Medicaid & 30% in Public Health.  This will be extremely problematic fo...

Friday, May 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Med Down...

HIV+ 01032000: Med Down...: It was announced today Lyrica has failed in it's attempts to treat pain associated with nerve-damage in diabetes patients.  Lyrica is...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Haute Couture T-Cells...

HIV+ 01032000: Haute Couture T-Cells...: This article  discusses research started in the 90's concerning the application of gene therapy in a wide range of ailments; Cancer, ...

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: OMG! Finally April Is Over...

HIV+ 01032000: OMG! Finally April Is Over...: Finally, we're into May.  This is a little OT, but oh well.  April has been a stressful month of screw-ups & breakage.  I can only hope Ma...

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: + Girls...

HIV+ 01032000: + Girls...: This article talks how lesbians are at high risk for HIV.  There isn't a lot of info on HIV transmission & lesbians.  This has led a ...

Monday, April 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: No Kid Testing...

HIV+ 01032000: No Kid Testing...: This  article  talks about the fact that children are mostly left out of medical trials.  This isn't that surprising.  Until recently...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Irregularity...

HIV+ 01032000: Irregularity...: No, I'm not talking about intestinal distress.  I'm talking about all the articles that I come across talking about the disparity between ...

Saturday, April 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Ongoing...

HIV+ 01032000: Ongoing...: Not much of a post today.  My roomie's computer issues are ongoing & we've had to order a new power supply for it.  Best Buy doesn't carry...

Friday, April 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Mutation & $...

HIV+ 01032000: Mutation & $...: This  article  may be about Africa, but the point is universal.  It's another example of how HIV is tied to the economy.   Many Africa...

Thursday, April 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Computer Blues...

HIV+ 01032000: Computer Blues...: Posting has been preempted by computer issues.  Well, computer issues for my roomie.  Had to make a quick trip to get it looked at.  ...

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Molecules...

HIV+ 01032000: Molecules...: This  article  talks about breaking research from Spain.  Scientists have located the molecule in HIV that allows it to reproduce itse...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Margins...

HIV+ 01032000: Margins...: I'm not leading with an article today.  If you want some, Google HIV & marginalized people, low income people, people of color, gay, ...

Monday, April 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Maintenance...

HIV+ 01032000: Maintenance...: I've circled back to the front room & my room on the cleaning cycle.   I wasn't surprised it was going quicker than the last time, bu...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Neem...

HIV+ 01032000: Neem...: This  article  talks about the Neem Tree of India & it's potential as an agent in the fight against HIV.  My roomie & I hold the beli...

Saturday, April 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Tat Danger...

HIV+ 01032000: Tat Danger...: This Australian  article  talks about the dangers of backyard tattooists.  These are people who perform tattoos in a non-professional...

Friday, April 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Staying Positive...

HIV+ 01032000: Staying Positive...: I read a lot of articles over HIV.  2 things always come to mind.  1st, these articles drive home how universal  & global this epidem...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Responsibility...

HIV+ 01032000: Responsibility...: I've been reading a lot lately about + people who continue to see themselves as victims or to seek legal ramifications on those that sprea...

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: One A Day...

HIV+ 01032000: One A Day...: This  article  discusses something I'd figure was common sense.   Only having to take 1 pill a day increases a person's likelihood of...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Distracted...

HIV+ 01032000: Distracted...: Not much of a post today.  I'm a little distracted.  One of our outdoor cats had to be taken to the vet today.  He has a pretty bad wound ...

Monday, April 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Another Set Of Small Steps...

HIV+ 01032000: Another Set Of Small Steps...: My roomie & I recently finished our 1st mega-Spring cleaning of the house.  Since then, we have begun to cycle back through it.  There wer...

Sunday, April 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Short Post Baby Steps...

HIV+ 01032000: Short Post Baby Steps...: The post is going to be short today.  It's storming here in Oklahoma & the electricity has flickered once already.   So a short post ...

Saturday, April 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Fishing...

HIV+ 01032000: Fishing...: No pic today, just an  article .  This one addresses the connection between the collapse of the fishing industry & HIV.  It talks about ho...

Friday, April 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Stems...

HIV+ 01032000: Stems...: This  article  talks about using stem cells to fight HIV.  The article goes into much more detail.  The matter is simple.  Instead of addi...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Crystal...

HIV+ 01032000: Crystal...: This article & this one   talk about the problem of meth in the LGBT community.  Since the 90's, this drug has prevalent in the gay...

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Updates...

HIV+ 01032000: Updates...: This  article  details some of the guideline updates for HIV treatment.  It may that this isn't that big of a deal.  Maybe, in some w...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Short...

HIV+ 01032000: Short...: Not much of a post today.  After all the cleaning, I'm a bit worn out.  The idea pool is dried up a bit & nothing seems to be catching my ...

Monday, April 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Stats...

HIV+ 01032000: Stats...: Coming from a Sociology background, I have hellish stats hours under my belt.  The first thing I'll tell you is that stats are never ...

Sunday, April 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Ignorance Is Not Bliss...

HIV+ 01032000: Ignorance Is Not Bliss...: This  article  & many others released in recent times discuss how Sex Ed is on the decline.  You can read the article or Google for o...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Taking Stock & Clearing House...

HIV+ 01032000: Taking Stock & Clearing House...: I've been talking a lot about cleaning.  I've hauled out a jungle's worth of dust bunnies.  The physical cleaning is important to our well...

Friday, April 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Scarlet + ...

HIV+ 01032000: The Scarlet + ...: This  article  by Jeannie Wraight deals with the HIV perceptions, realities & stigma.  It's a good article.  However, I'm not sure it...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Still...

HIV+ 01032000: Still...: This  article  deals with  the same-old-same-old HIV issues running rampant in the Southern USA.  With the HIV transmission rate in...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Unsure About OraSure...

HIV+ 01032000: Unsure About OraSure...: This  article  is about OraSure's at-home, quick result HIV test.  The details are in the article & will soon before the FDA for ap...

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Letting Go & Moving On...

HIV+ 01032000: Letting Go & Moving On...: My roomie has a blog & in this  entry  she talks about inner drives; will, preservation, creation & destruction.  I've talked about lettin...

Monday, April 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Risky Behavior...

HIV+ 01032000: Risky Behavior...: This  article  is about "Know Your Status", a student organization at Duke.   Their goal is to provide free testing to insure people a...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: What Energy...

HIV+ 01032000: What Energy...: No pic today or article for that matter.  We're in the process of really cleaning the house.  I'm happy with the outcome, not so much with...

Saturday, March 31, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: New Strain...

HIV+ 01032000: New Strain...: This  article  tells of a new strain of HIV,.located in Saskatchewan, Canada.  For now, it seems to be geographically specific.  I'd ...

Friday, March 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Spring Cleaning...

HIV+ 01032000: Spring Cleaning...: There are no articles today, just common sense.  One of the best ways to stay healthy is to keep your home clean.  It' Springtime & t...

Thursday, March 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Montana Outbreak...

HIV+ 01032000: Montana Outbreak...: This  article  details a current outbreak in  Missoula County, Montana.  According to their numbers, this county has had 12 new case ...

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Female Condoms...

HIV+ 01032000: Female Condoms...: This  article  promotes the female condom as a means to decrease the transmission of HIV & reduce $ spent on matters concerning HIV t...

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Injection Infection...

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Injection Infection...: This  article  talks about the possibility of eliminating the spread of HIV & HCV among injection drug users.  This is potentially huge. ...

Monday, March 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Paperwork...

HIV+ 01032000: Paperwork...: Today's post is being preempted by paperwork necessary to keep my insurance & assistance.  Will post again tomorrow.  It just kills me th...

Sunday, March 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Taking Point...

HIV+ 01032000: Taking Point...: Today's post will be brief.  Not much new in the article world.  What is new, is the same old, same old, funding cut madness & horrid condit...

Saturday, March 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Healthcare...

HIV+ 01032000: Healthcare...: I'm doing my best to keep this blog out the political fray.  However, this  article  makes that difficult to do so.  The article describes...

Friday, March 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Out Of Date...

HIV+ 01032000: Out Of Date...: Today's post is about expiration dates or things around being out of date.   This happens more often than you think.  Some of it's faddis...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Resistance Is Deadly...

HIV+ 01032000: Resistance Is Deadly...: This article  talks about a serious problem the rise of drug resistant HIV in the USA.   The study estimates that about 20% of the newly i...

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Detroit...

HIV+ 01032000: Detroit...: This post won't be long, the article says it all.  There are sections of Detroit that have 3X national rate of HIV infection.  So far, ...

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Patches...

HIV+ 01032000: Patches...: These are medical patches, dermal if you will.   These things deliver medicine.  This article  talks about an innovative new HIV therapy i...

Monday, March 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Brief...

HIV+ 01032000: Brief...: My net is being a pain today.  So, I'll tell you of a common theme I've been reading lately, co-infection.  Many + people are also infected ...

Sunday, March 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: $, $, $ Not So Funny...

HIV+ 01032000: $, $, $ Not So Funny...: This isn't going to be a long post.  Recently I've covered articles concerning budgets & financial crisis in other countries.  I want to m...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: I'm Still Here...

HIV+ 01032000: I'm Still Here...: This article  discusses how HIV is perceived in contemporary gay culture in the USA.  The sad thing is that the stigma remains high while ...

Friday, March 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Failing & Falling...

HIV+ 01032000: Failing & Falling...: I read a scary article today.  It posits that Greece is becoming a 3rd world country.  This is centered on fallout of the country's econo...

Thursday, March 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Texting, Telemedicine & Techonolgy...

HIV+ 01032000: Texting, Telemedicine & Techonolgy...: I've written about telemedicine before & how important it is to me.  My outreach is through Oklahoma State University Internal Medicine. ...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Shattered Children...

HIV+ 01032000: Shattered Children...: This is a rough article .  It talks about  child abuse, sexual & physical, as predictors for HIV.  Duke University did a two-year study in...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Not So Good...

HIV+ 01032000: Not So Good...: No articles today, just me, my meds & my mystery.  After feeling poorly for the last couple of days, I got curious & took another look at...

Monday, March 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Treatment Impact...

HIV+ 01032000: Treatment Impact...: It's been said for some time, that those who have been treated & have undetectable levels of HIV in their blood are less likely to transmi...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Color...

HIV+ 01032000: HIV & Color...: According to this article , the HIV rates among Black women in parts of the USA are as high as those in Africa, where the disease has bee...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Lying In Wait...

HIV+ 01032000: Lying In Wait...: This article deals with a problem with treating HIV, latency.  Latent HIV can hide in certain cells in the body & remain dormant.  They a...

Friday, March 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Prevention Pill...

HIV+ 01032000: Prevention Pill...: This article  talks about a recent drive by advocacy groups to have the FDA deny or delay the acceptance of the drug Truvada   as a preve...

Thursday, March 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Vaccination...

HIV+ 01032000: Vaccination...: An article  I came across was talking about new research into a familiar subject, a vaccine for HIV.  At this time it seems to be promisin...

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Monthlies...

HIV+ 01032000: Monthlies...: There is a new study out of England making headway with a monthly injection based HIV med. The medication is still in the trial phase, b...

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Regimen...

HIV+ 01032000: Regimen...: A recent study from Philadelphia, has found that 1 in 4 people do not stick to their HIV regimen. Only 75% of people given regimens to...

Monday, March 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Porn Law...

HIV+ 01032000: Porn Law...: Los Angeles has finally made a law requiring all actors in adult films to use condoms. While I applaud this effort, why the hell did i...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: EMR...

HIV+ 01032000: EMR...: Kaiser Permanente , a national non-profit, health care center has something to say about HIV care in this article . Their approach to t...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Tandem...

HIV+ 01032000: Tandem...: + people know that it isn't uncommon for a + person to also have Hep C or TB. Now, research is showing treating ailments like TB & HIV ...

Friday, March 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Needles...

HIV+ 01032000: Needles...: A recent study conducted by the CDC reported that the number of people contracting HIV via injection drug use has decreased. They also ...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Weirdness..

HIV+ 01032000: Weirdness..: Over the years, I have heard some odd information out there regarding HIV. This is one of those stories. It seems that researchers have...

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Good Bye February...

HIV+ 01032000: Good Bye February...: This is the end of the second month of 2012. It wasn't a bad month. I just wish we'd had more cold weather to keep the grass & bugs at b...

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Closing Out...

HIV+ 01032000: Closing Out...: I am closing this blog challenge out. Technically, I had another day of this one. I was supposed to talk about where I would like to go ...

Monday, February 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Fond...

HIV+ 01032000: Fond...: Again, I am taking liberties with this challenge. I am combining today's & tomorrow's. They were to be about something I love & somethin...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Dislike...

HIV+ 01032000: Dislike...: Today's topic was things you dislike. While I'm a Virgo & there are plenty of things that I don't particularly like in this world, I'm t...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Scene...

HIV+ 01032000: Scene...: Today's blogger challenge was over scenery. I am from Oklahoma, I've lived over a good part of the eastern side of the state. I prefer ...

Friday, February 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: A Pairing...

HIV+ 01032000: A Pairing...: Today's blog challenge was over couples. I am not in a romantic relationship & don't often think of things in those regards. I have dif...

Thursday, February 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Need...

HIV+ 01032000: Need...: Today's blog challenge concerned things I need. I do my best to live with what I have in my life. Still at times, I find myself needing th...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: I Miss...

HIV+ 01032000: I Miss...: Today's blog challenge dealt with something I miss. The woman above is named Crematia Mortem & she was a host of a late-night creature f...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Want...

HIV+ 01032000: Want...: The challenge today concerned what it is that you want. This is a hard thing for me these days. It always comes up around my birthday &...

Monday, February 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Orange...

HIV+ 01032000: Orange...: Today's blog challenge concerns the color orange. I typically am not a fan of this color. It wouldn't be too far reaching to call it on...

Sunday, February 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: New...

HIV+ 01032000: New...: The blog challenge wants me to talk about something New. I'm fairly sure they aren't talking about new moons, on Monday or otherwise. I'...

Saturday, February 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Doodling...

HIV+ 01032000: Doodling...: Doodles are the topic of today. Growing up & even now I am a fidgety. When someone would want to keep me from physically bouncing all ov...

Friday, February 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Plant...

HIV+ 01032000: Plant...: Today's blog challenge wants to discuss my favorite plant. Well there's Audrey II, Mortica's Cleopatra, Triffids, Black Mercy Plants, Blo...

Thursday, February 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Inspiration...

HIV+ 01032000: Inspiration...: Today's topic is inspiration. I choose this pic, because it represents my thoughts on the subject. A splotch. That's inspiration for me...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Family...

HIV+ 01032000: Family...: Today's blog challenged wanted a family photo. I am not able to comply with this one at all. I'm not close to my biological family & have ...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Fairy Tale...

HIV+ 01032000: Fairy Tale...: Favorite fairy tales are today's subject. OK, this isn't easy for me. There are literally thousands of fairy tales & fables out there. ...

Monday, February 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Comic...

HIV+ 01032000: Comic...: Today's part of the blog challenge dealt with your favorite comic. This one is easy for me. Although I read a lot of comics & have coll...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Recent Accomplishments...

HIV+ 01032000: Recent Accomplishments...: Today's blog challenge concerned recent accomplishments. I've written a few times about my belief that it is always important to recogniz...

Saturday, February 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: For Every Season...

HIV+ 01032000: For Every Season...: Turning points are today's topic for the blog challenge. They wanted a single point of life change, but in most people's lives, especi...

Friday, February 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Candy!!!...

HIV+ 01032000: Candy!!!...: I can handle today's blog challenge,. What's you favorite Candy? That's a no-brainer for me, Fudge. I love fudge. I may be partial t...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: TV Show...

HIV+ 01032000: TV Show...: Your favorite television show was the concept behind today's part of the challenge. Did they make this challenge for someone who was two? ...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Toon Time...

HIV+ 01032000: Toon Time...: Today's challenge concerned your favorite animated character. Again, with the Kyle Broflovski, "Really?" You have got to be kidding, I am ...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Word...

HIV+ 01032000: Word...: Today's blog challenge was to illustrate your favorite word. You're kidding right? How the hell is a person in their 40's supposed to p...

Monday, February 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Favorite Character...

HIV+ 01032000: Favorite Character...: Today's part of the blog challenge in which I am supposed to draw but instead am writing about things, the focus is on your favorite charact...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Friends...

HIV+ 01032000: Friends...: This day lands us on the Best Friend day of the blog challenge. This category has gotten me into sticky situations in the past. It seems t...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: My Place...

HIV+ 01032000: My Place...: I am continuing with the blog challenge & today's part was in regard to your favorite place. I can get difficult on this one: I like bein...

Friday, February 3, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: My Favorite Food...

HIV+ 01032000: My Favorite Food...: Today's part of the blog challenge was regarding your favorite food. I have a preference for the exotic & southern. I am not a big fan of ...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Fav Aminals...

HIV+ 01032000: Fav Aminals...: Today's part of the challenge is to talk about you absolutely favoritist aminal in the whole wide world. Yes, I am aware that I misspell...

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Self...

HIV+ 01032000: Self...: I am undertaking a new blog challenge. Well, I'm altering one to suit me. It is actually a 30 day drawing challenge . I've altered it to ...

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Comparison...

HIV+ 01032000: Comparison...: This isn't the blog post I had intended today, but oh well. I went shopping today & was a little bit surprised. How does shopping relat...

Monday, January 30, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: Clean Slate...

HIV+ 01032000: Clean Slate...: This is going to be a shorter post. I just finished the alphabet challenge & I'm glad I undertook it. It gave me a means to focus my w...

Sunday, January 29, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter Z...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter Z...: It's here, the end of the alphabet challenge. "Z" closes us out with Zenith , the highest point or the culmination of something. This ...

Saturday, January 28, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter Y...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter Y...: Year begins with a "Y" & brings a lot of joy to some & sadness to others. I am referring to the unit of time. For a child it means bei...

Friday, January 27, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter X...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter X...: I am taking the letter "X" to Xeno , referring to something strange, foreign or different. Some of us may have xenophobia or even xenop...

Thursday, January 26, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter W...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter W...: Star Light, Star Bright, First Star I See Tonight, I Wish I May, I Wish I Might, Have The Wish, I Wish Ton ight "W" brings us to Wish , ...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter V...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter V...: "V" may be for vendetta, victory or even valor, but today it is for Villain . There's a villain in every story. There has to be, right?...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter U...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter U...: I've opted for Unique to as my "U" word. This word means one-of-a-kind, specific, without equal, etc.. It is the antithesis of a common...

Monday, January 23, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter T...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter T...: Today's "T" is Tire . To grow weary, fatigued, exhausted or even just impatient. That is the topic of this entry & not those things tha...

Sunday, January 22, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter S...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter S...: "S" is for Sanity or the soundness of mind & being. Sanity is hard enough to keep in good supply when you're healthy. Try doing it when...

Saturday, January 21, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter R...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter R...: My "R" word is Rest . When you rest, you stop or at least pause your actions & exertions while seeking some bit of relaxation or relief....

Friday, January 20, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter Q...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter Q...: Our "Q" today is tilting a windmills in a most Quixotic way. Thus is the way of those of us who pursue unrealistic idealism or attempt...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter P...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter P...: A prominent, purple "P" brings the word, Promise . I am looking at a person specific version of this word. The act of declaring an actio...

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter O...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter O...: Option is the word of the day. While the word may have other uses, I'm looking at it from the aspect of choice. Would you like the luxur...

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter N...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter N...: The word Now is representing "N"today. Now is an unusual word, in that it can be an adverb, adjective, noun or conjunction. Regardless ...

Monday, January 16, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter M...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter M...: "M" is the letter of today & our word is Magnanimous . This refers to someone who is noble, compassionate & forgiving. Not a set of wo...

Sunday, January 15, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter L...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter L...: Let is the "L" word I'm going with today. The word has a few meanings, but the one I'm taking here is the action of allowing, permittin...

Saturday, January 14, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter K...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter K...: I'm sure some will disagree with my statements about the word brought to us by the letter, "K", Kith . The word refers to your friends, a...

Friday, January 13, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter J...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter J...: "J" is the letter for today & the word is Joy . To experience pleasure or happiness or contentment. That is what joy is but to a differ...

Thursday, January 12, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter I...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter I...: I have written about the "I" word, Isolation before, but it does merit more discussion. Isolation is the state of being separated from s...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter H...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter H...: Today, the letter "H" is for Habitat . Put simply, a habitat is where something resides or lives. For us, our habitat is our home. I r...

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter G...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter G...: "G" & Grateful are the choices for today. Being grateful is to appreciate something, often in an expressive manner. I know I talk about ...

Monday, January 9, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter F...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter F...: Today's "F" word is Frugal . This is a word that we hear a lot in these economic times. It means to be sparing or economical when it co...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter E...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter E...: We are brought here today by the letter "E" & the word Educate . In it's simplest form, educate means by whatever means to introduce inf...

Saturday, January 7, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter D...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter D...: The letter of the day is "D" & the word is Demarcation . The act of demarcation simply means making a distinction between things or type...

Friday, January 6, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter C...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter C...: Today's word is Change . I've stated before I am a Virgo & rarely do I consider change to something to be taken lightly. Even if it is ...

Thursday, January 5, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter B...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter B...: Today's blog post is brought to you by the letter "B". There are many great "B" words like; beloved, beautiful or bravo. We are going t...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter A...

HIV+ 01032000: The Letter A...: A is for Absent . Unfortunately, when you find yourself +, this is a word you will become familiar with fairly quickly. Absent can be u...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Monday, January 2, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: 365...

HIV+ 01032000: 365...: This is the very last day of my blogging year. Tomorrow this blog will be one year old. I made it an entire year. I posted everyday. ...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

HIV+ 01032000: New Year's Day...

HIV+ 01032000: New Year's Day...: The year has begun anew. How did it start? With a missing trashcan. I went to take out the trash & there was no can to be seen. I looke...